The regular monthly meeting of the Piano Technicians Guild - Wichita KS

Chapter will be this week (the second Thursday, 5-10-12) at 7:pm.

The location is Joe Wisner's residence in northeast Wichita.

The address is 2515 N. Battin, Wichita, KS  67220.

(for a good map, paste the above address into Google)

If you get lost, call Alan Crane's cell and we'll talk you in.


The Technical Session, "What's In Your Tool Case?", presented by Joe Wisner, will be a round-table discussion of what to take with you to appointments.  We will examine the tool cases of at least two Chapter members as well as smaller cases of specialized tools/supplies designed to be brought into the customer's house only when needed for such things as broken hammer shank replacement, flange re-pinning and/or re-bushing, finish repair, etc.


Of course, there will also be the opportunity to share your questions and experiences with everyone there.  Its a great place to learn things to make you a better and more successful piano technician.

AND -- Chapter office elections will take place at this meeting!

Last month, the Chapter approved a slate of candidates and we'll vote on that slate and any additional nominations from the floor at this meeting.

Wichita Chapter of PTG

Minutes for

April 15th, 2012

Wichita State University

Wichita, Kansas

Meeting was called to order by President J. D. Hershberger at 7:00 pm.

Members in attendance were Alan Crane, J. D. Hershberger, Joe Wisner, Roy Howard, David Norman, Marty Hess, Larry Ray and Steve Francis.

Secretary David Norman read the March meeting minutes. Steve Francis moved to accept the minutes as read seconded by Alan Crane and the motion passed.

A chapter discussion about Gary Telleen’s tech session at the March meeting was discussed followed by some repairs various members had encountered while working on grand pianos.

Treasurer Marty Hess reported a chapter bank balance of $4212.15 He also reported the national office of PTG had not reported dues to the chapters as yet.

Roy Howard reported on the state of piano tech work in Ecuador and his efforts to get training schools established there.

J. D. Hershberger asked to send e-mails via hershberger

Nest years slate of officers was accepted for next month’s election of officers.

Topics for tech sessions were discussed for future meetings.

Joe Wisner volunteered to host the May meeting at his home. The meeting is scheduled for May 10th at 7:00 pm. The address is 2515 Battin, Wichita, Ks.

Meeting was adjourned.

Tech session showing the various tuning hammers brought to the meeting by members of the chapter. Members tried them out and asked questions about their advantages and the prices and other pertinent information.

Submitted by

David Norman, Secretary