2 May 2016
Newly elected Wichita Chapter PTG officers
President Joe Wisner
Vice President Ann Fell
Secretary David Norman
Treasurer Marty Hess
Newsletter Editor Roy Howard
Next Meeting Thursday, May 12, at 7pm
For previous chapter newsletters see INDEX
The May 12th meeting will be held at Roy Howard's home
Our next meeting will be at the Howard home: 4749 N Hillcrest St, Bel Aire, KS 67220 - May 12, 2016 at 7pm (near 45th North and Woodlawn East)
•Come welcome the newly elected Chapter Officers!
•The May technical is all about keys and keytops. Come with questions, tools, ideas, problems, solutions... to share.
•We anticipate having a goodly amount of tools and supplies for sale and on display at the meeting. If you have any to donate, trade, or sale, please bring them.
•The Chapter Bylaws are now online. Some key points:
"Elected officers will assume duties at the May meeting."
"RPT members have full voting privileges. Associates may vote at Chapter meetings except on issues dealing with procedures and their voting rights shall be in compliance with Article 8, Section E, #4 of Piano Technicians Guild Bylaws. [Currently Article V, Section E, #4]"
"This Chapter was granted a charter by the PTG on September 26, 1959 and derives its rights and powers from that Charter. [V.E.2. Chapters shall annually review their bylaws following the PTG Council session for compliance with the PTG Bylaws, Regulations, and Codes.]"
"These bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of 2/3rds of RPT members present at a Chapter business meeting. Written notice, with all details of proposed changes, must be submitted to all members in advance of a meeting for the purpose of discussing such proposed changes. The actual vote on bylaws amendments shall be deferred to the next regular meeting." That's right, we have a lot of updating to do on our bylaws. In August all members can participate in the discussion to align them with the current PTG bylaws, then RPTs can vote on the changes in September or October.
Please review the current chapter bylaws and come prepared for discussions: Wichita Chapter Bylaws
Joe Wisner
Video: Highlights of Marty Hess's tool kit that he takes into a service call.
Video: Joe Wisner shares Tool Case Tips.
Video: Highlights of a discussion about tool ideas to tie the hitch pin loop.
Video: Tool ideas to reset the hammer return spring.
Video: Adjusting key up-weight and down-weight.
Video: A simple tension rod serves to measure the length for a missing pedal lyre support rod.
Video: A simple dowel attached with elastic holds the drop stickers in place for action removal.
Please submit articles and tips for the newsletter and the meetings.
The kids in Uganda have been evicted as there are too many for their current facility. Please tell your friends to help with a donation. Happy Angels Youth Brass Band learn to repair so that individuals can become luthiers.
Conference 2016 in Ecuador is scheduled for four weeks in June, covering topics for techs and musicians of strings, woodwinds, brass, and pianos with all sessions taking place at the new Universidad de las Artes. Due to the earthquake emergency, the conference may become changed to July or September. Links to earthquake photos.
Song to honor the people of Ecuador by Roy E Howard: "Speak Well of Each Other"
Don't miss the May technical on key covers.
More ideas
Piano Factory Virtual Tours (Hailun and Petrof)
The Spring 2016 issue of Piano Buyer is now online, where you can read it for free or purchase it in print. In addition to updated brand profiles, model listings, and prices, there are five new feature articles: The Uncompromising World of High-End Pianos, by Sally Phillips, Advice About Used Pianos for Parents of Young Beginning Piano Students, by Sally Phillips, and reviews of August Förster pianos, and Casio and Roland digital pianos.
Please take a look at two NEW events at the convention in Norfolk this summer. Note the special registration for business managers.
On the morning of Sunday, July 24, there is a special opportunity to tour the Colonial Williamsburg museum in the morning that includes a guided tour of the Changing Keys exhibit. The exhibit includes pianos, harpsichords and other keyboards manufactured from around 1770 to 1840. John Watson, Conservator of Early Keyboard Instruments, will be our tour guide. The cost would include entrance to the museum, a guided tour and round trip transportation from the Norfolk Waterside Marriot. Space is limited. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me, Douglas Laing by May 20 at douglas@magnumopuspianoworks.com> or 727-539-9602.
More Reasons to Attend the 2016 PTG Convention!
Special Registration for Business Managers
The 2016 SCRC Piano Technicians Guild Conference
will be held in historic Granbury, Texas! Jeff Hickey - Tips From Convention
Piano Jobs
Online Classifieds at www.ptg.org
Piano Technicians Journal Media on YouTube
For PTG member resources go to www.my.ptg.org
The Journal Chapter Technicals. Please share the interesting and meaningful technical programs you have conducted that can be reproduced by other chapters.
Kimball (1912) 5/8" for sale $3,000. All funds support Conference 2016 in Ecuador (Roy Howard)
Integrity means you stick to your personal code of conduct. You stick to what you decide is right and wrong.
When you live with integrity, you succeed. You are open and honest. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful.
When you have good integrity you have no reason to lie. You can look at yourself in the mirror. You have nothing to hide.
The Best Code of Conduct for You
"What is personal integrity?
No one needs to tell you what is right or wrong. You can see and decide for yourself.
Subscribe to the PTG YouTube Channel
What If... Pythagoras Got It Wrong? (Why Do We Stretch) Part 1
What If... Pythagoras Got It Wrong? (Why Do We Stretch) Part 2
Keynote Speaker Barry Moltz
Attend Barry's "Getting Your Small Business Unstuck" presentation on Thursday, July 21 at 8 a.m during our General Session. Business growth requires different actions as the market changes. Barry identifies six ways that businesses get stuck, causing their growth to slow, and how your business can start to flourish again. On that same day, he will also offer three additional classes: "You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth About Starting and Growing Your Own Business," "How to Outsource to Build Your Business" and "Escape the Double Helix: Trap and Boost Your Sales." Learn more about this nationally recognized author, entrepreneur and speaker at barrymoltz.com.
If your business manager would like to attend Barry Moltz's classes as well as all the other Institute business classes, take advantage of a new registration option this year. You can participate in the classes that effect the job of a business manager for only $59 (with a full registration.) Please call 913-432-9975 or visit convention.ptg.org for registration information.
The Hilton Garden Inn and Resort Conference Center
will host our great conference.
Registration for PTG members is $325; Visiting technicians are $375. Includes 6 meals and banquet. Register now!
October 13-15, 2016; 10:00 a.m. Thursday - 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
Get your "hands-on" these classes! Topics include: Social Media, Soundboard Repair, Finish Repair, Grand Teardown, and more.
Seasoned instructors include LaRoy Edwards, Fred Sturm, Tim Barnes, Norm Cantrell and more - See who is teaching!
$109/single or double room with lake or city view; book your room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Granbury or by calling 844-204-5598; mention PTG for your special rate.
Classes repeated for your convenience!
All RPT Exams being offered.
Complimentary rides from DFW Airport.
Located on Lake Granbury with a nearby charming Town Square, Opera House, antique shops, restaurants and more; only 38 miles SW of Fort Worth, off Highway 377.
Early Bird registration ends September 20 - Save $50
Ricki Klos, RPT, SCRC President, 512-773-7133,
Joshua Ello, RPT, Seminar Director, 832-270-7732, joshua@ellopianoservice.com
Kent Swafford - Why Do We Stretch
Andersen & Johnson - Complete Piano Service
Business 201 - Timothy Barnes
Quick Tips - 6 Pack of Technicals - Isaac Sadigursky
Your Money Or Your Life - Dale Probst
Competency - Proficiency Playground
Interested in Piano Technology Jobs? You can automatically receive email notification of the most recent Help Wanted ads before they are available to the general public. Jobs vary from senior level university technicians to entry level retail operations and everything in between.
Check out the online Classifieds at www.ptg.org for a complete list of all opportunities. Have a job you want to list? Contact Shawn Bruce at shawn@ptg.org or 913-432-9975.
Click here to go directly to the new Piano Jobs community.
Send your articles and pictures to:
John Parham
Pianos for Sale
Kawai GX-A $65,000
Square Grand. Owner in Plevna, KS is asking $5000. It is tuneable but needs 20 custom keys made to finish the restoration. (Stephen Francis)
Are You a Professional?
So what is right and ethical for you? How do you work out your own code of conduct?
"WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself
"And when you lose that you have lost everything."
"Personal integrity is knowing what you know—
"What you know is what you know—
"And to have the courage to know and say what you have observed.
"And that is integrity
"And there is no other integrity." — L. Ron Hubbard
For example, Dave may decide it is perfectly fine to drink wine with dinner. Steve may observe the same issue and decide it is wrong to drink wine. Both individuals made their own decisions. Both are operating with integrity.
Maggie may decide spending money on vacations is a crime while Lisa may decide skipping a vacation is a crime.
Both make their own decisions about what is right and wrong.
Like most people, you have probably decided it is wrong to not support your family, abandon a friend, steal from your company, cheat on your marriage, shoplift, abuse drugs and so on.
You probably believe it is good to work hard, be kind to your parents, have fun, pay your bills, tell the truth, return things you borrow and so on.
You know the truth when you see it. You know you are using integrity when you look in a mirror.
When you deceive your partner, you both lose a little. If you lie to your spouse, you lose a little. Whenever you abandon what you know to be true, you lose.
Nothing makes you more miserable than "selling out" and failing to stick to your integrity.
PTG Videos
Ivory Updates
Delaware has become the latest state to consider ivory legislation. On April 14, Senate Bill No.156 was approved with an 11-to-10 vote and now goes to the House for consideration.
The bill, as currently written, includes a musical instrument exemption for "a string or wind instrument or piano, and that is less than 15% by volume of the instrument, if the owner or seller provides historical documentation demonstrating provenance and showing the item was manufactured no later than 1975."
The bill mentions both New York and New Jersey laws in place, and New Jersey state Senator Raymond Lesniak - who successfully led the fight for a similar ban in his state - testified in support of Delaware's bill. New Jersey's law is currently the only state law regulating ivory that contains no exemption for musical instruments.
On other fronts, Hawaii and Vermont continue to inch towards implementing a ban on ivory sales and other states have seen bills introduced. One of the best ways to get information about what's happening in a particular state is to visit www.legiscan.com. Scroll down to the lower left "National Legislative Search" and then select either a particular state or all states. Then enter the word "ivory" in the full text Search Box.