Wichita PTG December 2015

Newsletter  of the Wichita Chapter, Piano Technicians Guild
5 December 2015

The mission of the Piano Technicians Guild is to promote the highest possible standards of piano service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members

Wichita Chapter PTG officers

President Joe Wisner
Vice President Gary Telleen
Secretary David Norman
Treasurer Marty Hess
Newsletter Editor Roy Howard (with assistance from Kent Willis)

Next Meeting Thursday, December 10

For previous chapter newsletters see INDEX

The December 10 meeting will be held at Marty Hess's House 3900 North Parkwood, Bel Air, Kansas

President's notes:
Seasons Greetings all!

TIP at the November meeting - Twelve members and guests enjoyed a brief description of a wooden bracket that can be used to hold a grand action for in home use. Joe also showed a brass brush he uses to brush hammers before tuning to improve the sound of the piano. He uses this brush on all tunings.

Your are all welcome to invite non members to our meetings and activities, as that is the only way they know they can participate, and hopefully, become members.

Please submit articles and tips for the newsletter and the meetings.

  We appreciate our perennial December host, Marty Hess for once again welcoming us to his beautiful home. Plates and good fellowship will brim over, so come prepared to enjoy.
See you at the fiesta, Thursday, December 10, 7pm.
The address is 3900 North Parkwood, Bel Air, Kansas
Call if you need directions.
Joe Wisner, RPT
316 683 3037

Last year was Great. This year will be Swell. Stay Tuned
Joe Wisner

Report of the National Congress for Restoration of Heritage Musical Instruments
Asociación Mundial de Luthiers
Details and videos.
How to get people to decide to call you to service their piano
•Piano maintenance is part of their annual budget, and their next appointment is set each time you are there
•They just inherited grandma's old piano and they want their kids to continue in the family's musical tradition.
•The "keys are stuck" and there is a recital to prepare for
•Auntie is coming for Christmas dinner and she plays the piano
•Mom loves to hear the kids practicing their instruments
•A friend was over, tried their piano and recommended you
•You called and reminded them
•They found your website and liked what it said about you
•When they said "how much for a stuck key?" you were kind and respectful
•The music teacher said their child is a prodigy and needs a real piano to practice on
•Somebody finally explained the differences between piano tuning, repair, refurbishing, rebuilding, restoring.


Don't miss the December technical at Marty's house.

Erwin's Piano Restoration reminds us to come to Marty's house for the dip. Don't miss the action on December 10th! Enter password "tech2015" for technician's pricing on the Erwin website.

Report of the "Oklahoma Exam Prep on the Road"
The Central Oklahoma Chapter hosted an Exam Prep on the Road seminar October 15 and 16 at Gilliam Music in Norman, OK. Thirteen Associate members attended this educational event. Instructors included RPTs Ann Fell, Alan Crane, and five others. The class met for a day and half.

Pianotek's Grand Hammer Hanging Jig

The QuickKey Leveler "Precise Efficient Key Leveling, Dip Setting and More" Download the recently published articles that explains the easy steps of leveling keys and setting key dip precisely and efficiently using the QuicKey Leveler method.


Renew Membership for 2016
Dues invoices for 2016 were mailed November 1. Use the Pay Online feature at www.ptg.org to pay your invoice securely and quickly 24/7. If you haven't received your invoice yet, please contact Sandy Roady (sandy@ptg.org.) It's important to pay your dues before December 31 to ensure that there are no interruptions in your Journal subscription and other member benefits.

Update Your PTG Contact Info
www.ptg.org - Click on "View My Profile" in the left menu. Some of this information is viewable by the public and includes things like services you offer, as well as your contact information.

Mario Igrec has released a list of corrections to be made on the second printing of his book Pianos Inside Out.

www.PTGWestPac.org March 31 - April 3, 2016 Piano Technicians Guild, Western and Pacific Northwest Region Piano Technicians Guild, Seattle 2016 WestPac VI Online Registration Now Open! Exceptional All-Day Seminars Special Guest and Premier Instructors Food and Beverage Every Day Breakfast Buffet • Breaks • Lunch Buffet Fine Food and Entertainment Evenings National Exhibitors and Vendors 4,000 Sq. Ft. • Over 30 Booths

www.PTGNEECSO.org April 14 - April 17, 2016 Piano Technicians Guild, New England Eastern Canada Seminar Organization Piano Technicians Guild, Nashua 2016 NEECSO Online Registration Now Open! Exceptional All-Day Seminars Special Guest and Premier Instructors Food and Beverage Every Day Breakfast Buffet • Breaks • Lunch Buffet Fine Food and Entertainment Evenings National Exhibitors and Vendors 4,000 Sq. Ft. • Over 30 Booths

Howard Piano Industries has a valuable discussion page - Forum

PianoTek Tek-Letter

Piano Technicians Journal Media on YouTube

For PTG member resources go to www.my.ptg.org

To answer questions about player pianos go to Player Care.com

Pianos for Sale

Yamaha G1 –
high gloss ebony- restrung, reconditioned the action, cleaned it up to look like new
$6500 moving, matching bench and tuning
Marty Hess

Are You a Professional?
Defining ‘professional’
Professional: A member of a profession who displays the following 10 traits:
1. Knowledge and skills of a profession.
2. Commitment to self-improvement of skills and knowledge.
3. Service orientation.
4. Pride in the profession.
5. Covenantal relationship with the client.
6. Creativity and innovation.
7. Conscience and trustworthiness.
8. Accountability for his or her work.
9. Ethically sound decision making.
10. Leadership.
Professionalism: The active demonstration of the traits of a professional.
Professional socialization (professionalization): The process of inculcating a profession’s attitudes, values, and behaviors in a professional. The goal of professional socialization is to develop professionalism, as defined by the 10 character traits above.

PTG Videos

PVC Fogging Chamber"
Trimming Hammer Shanks as shown in the Piano Technicians Journal, April 2012 Issue

Ivory Updates
Washington State has become the most recent state to adopt new ivory regulations. Initiative 1401 passed overwhelmingly in early November. The law includes exemptions for musical instruments similar to laws in California and New York.
In New Jersey a Senate bill (3416) that would have made possession of ivory a criminal offense was significantly amended during a Senate hearing. Significant opposition resulted in committee members removing ivory from the list of protected species and changing the criminal punishments provision to civil ones. The previously approved total ban on ivory sale and trade remains in place.
NAMM report on state legislation proposed governing ivory. Massachusetts has hearings underway and Oregon supporters are pushing for a voter initiative to ban ivory.
The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service proposed rule.
National Geographic. China has announced a ban on Ivory after years of promoting the industry.