of the
Southwest Alliance for Learning

Proposed 27 October 1994 by Roy E. Howard

swal notes, relearning

Mission Statement

The Southwest Alliance for Learning is a coalition of concerned community members from Southwestern New Mexico dedicated to developing the best possible educational experiences from Early Childhood through Mastery, by addressing issues of Systemic Development of Educational Opportunities.


The Southwest Alliance for Learning recognizes the need for leadership in the development of systemic professional growth for all human service providers. The Alliance believes in leadership which is collaborative, transformational and inclusive of all stakeholders. Its membership includes educators, agency representatives and other community members. The Alliance is committed to continually seeking the most promising practices to address the comprehensive needs of our communites (children, youth, adults). In accepting this mission, The Alliance recognizes that this will be a never ending endeavor in that all persons and institutions that serve them are always simply in a stage of development leading to continuous self improvement. As the most promising practices are identified, The Alliance is committed to improving education and practice for all stakeholders.

Article I: Name

This body shall be known as the Southwest Alliance for Learning also herein referred to as the Alliance.

Article II: Meetings

A. Meetings will be held at least four times per year.

B. Meeting time and place will be subject to approval by the
Alliance members and announced for the year in advance at the last meeting of the year.

C. Notification/reminders of meetings along with minutes of the previous meeting , will be sent to all
Alliance members.

D. Business meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition.

E. A Quorum shall constitute of those present at the announced meetings.

Article III: Officers

A. Elected officers shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.

B. Each term of office shall be two years, with no limit on number of terms.

C. Election procedures:
1. Nominations will be addressed to the Chair at the last meeting of the year.
2. The election will be conducted by written ballot, with those present permitted to vote.
3. The secretary will certify the validity of the election.
4. In the case of a tie, the Chair will break the tie.
5. Vacancies in office during the year shall be filled by appointment of the Chair. If there is a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the Vice Chair assumes that office and appoints a new Vice Chair.

D. Duties of Officers.
1. The Chair shall be responsible for announcing and convening any meetings, the proper conduct of those meetings, and for maintaining the Alliance activities and objectives in accordance with the Bylaws.
2. The Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the abscence of the Chair.
3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings and keep members informed of activities and meetings of the Alliance.

Article IV: Membership

A. Community members, educators from Southwestern New Mexico schools, and public and private human services organizations have rights to vote and contribute to the goals and activities of the Alliance.

B. Membership is registered by the secretary upon expression of interest by individuals who subscribe to the mission statement.

Article V: Finances

A. All members will participate at their own expense.

B. Expenses of
The Alliance are the meeting place and the mailings.

C. Expenses of
The Alliance will be paid by the WNMU School of Education or other institution on a voluntary basis.

Article VI: Committees

Committees shall be appointed by The Chair with the approval of the Alliance as needed. The need for committees and their specific functions will generally change and shall be noted in the minutes of the meetings, rather than in the Bylaws.

Article VII: Standing Rules

A. A set of standing rules related to the details of administration rather than to parliamentary procedure may be adopted. Such rules, if any, may be adopted or changed when the need arises at a business meeting without previous notice.

B. Special committees, a newsletter, sponsored events, or activities of The Alliance that are in line with the purposes and procedures outlined in the Bylaws follow the rule in A. above.

Article VIII: Amendments

A. These Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of 2/3 of the registered members present at an official meeting of The Alliance.

B. Written notice, with all details of proposed Bylaws changes must be sent to all members postmarked at least 10 days in advance of a meeting for the purpose of discussing such proposed changes.

C. The actual vote on Bylaws amendments shall be deferred to the next regular meeting.

Article IX: Dissolution

The membership may vote to dissolve The Alliance following the same procedure as for the amendment of the bylaws.