Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita
Navajo Area Technical Opportunities Program, U.S. Department of Commerce
Grant coordinating committee:
Larry Shaw NETC Navajo Education Technology Consortium
Larry Linford GMcSD Gallup McKinley County School District
Roy Howard WNMU Gallup Graduate Studies Center
Herb Mosher and Duane Jordan RMCHCS Rehoboth Medical Center
Bob Begay Navajo Nation RSI
Ram Das UNM-G
Steve Grey Dept of Energy, Lawrence Livermore Lab
Tico Charley Navajo Nation Communication Utility
Alex Largie Navajo Nation Information Technology
Scope of the Grant proposal:
High speed, broad band telecommunications infrastructure to deliver internet and video communications to remote areas for telemedicine, education, and full scale economic development.
Navajo Indian Reservation Wide Area Network (NIRWAN) Project
Western New Mexico University
Western New Mexico University has pioneered distance and rural
education in the Navajo Area since 1984 through the Gallup Graduate
Studies Center. WNMU is prepared to deliver instruction to remote
locations that are equipped with video conferencing and web technologies.
In November, 1999, the Gallup Graduate Studies Center (GGSC)
a Polycom View Station for videoteleconferencing. Supported by
a full T1
line, the station makes live, interactive meetings and classes
a reality.
Connecting at 384kbh makes for real-time viewing of all the action.
The Gallup Graduate Studies Center has its own domain on the
world wide
web. Go to
for access to the brochure and class
schedule, web sites for each of the five programs, and much more.
courses use web components as part of the instruction.
The Gallup Graduate Studies Center is hard wired directly to
the internet.
Students, faculty, and staff are instantly on-line any time of
the day or night
with high speed connections. The modern laboratory is equipped
PowerMac and Dell computers, color printer, laser printer, scanner,
camera, video camera, and the applications to support professional
computer materials production.
Although over three fourths of the consumers in the Four Corners
area are
Native American, there is a definite lack of Indian people in
positions in business, industry, and government. To address this
need, Western New Mexico University offers a Masters of Business
Administration, and Masters in Education degrees in Gallup, but
individuals have to travel long distances to attend classes. The
MBA and
MAT programs offer new opportunities for upward mobility for Indian
other rural people in business, industry, and government, if they
access the instruction. Many of those who benefit from the MBA
may also be employed in schools in non-instructional careers.
Conversations with Navajo and Zuni tribal leaders have met with
ethusiastic response: that there is a critical need to upgrade
the skills of
many leaders, from division directors to tribal industry managers.
will hire all the Indian MBA's you can graduate", was the
oft heard reply.
There is also a long standing community goal to increase the
number of
Indian people as teachers, counselors, leaders, and community
role models
and thus improve the learning of K-12 children and youth in a
geographical region where over 75% are Native American. This will
accomplished with appropriate infrastructure for course delivery
1. increasing the number of master teachers by attracting certified
American teachers into Bilingual Education, ESL, and Special Education;
2. improving the qualifications of current Indian teachers, counselors
administrators; and
3. providing a learning environment that supports and stimulates
commitment to meeting the needs of Indian students.
The proposed communications infrastructure project will promote
considerable sharing of resources among the participants. WNMU
engaging in a special relationship with Gallup/McKinley County
Zuni Public Schools and other districts to accomplish coordination
In conclusion, there is a drastic shortage of Indian teachers,
and administrators in the area served by Western New Mexico University.
The Navajo Indian Reservation Wide Area Network Project expects,
with federal
support to help with infrastructure needs, to increase the number
qualified Indian individuals in professions that serve Indian
people by
providing access to degree programs to qualified individuals to
achieve a
Masters degree in elementary or secondary education (Bilingual
or ESL), Special Education, school administration, counseling,
or the
Masters of Business Administration. Assuming that each counselor
administrator will impact entire school populations or businesses,
and each
teacher will impact 22 students per year for the next 20 years,
the WNMU
benefit from the NIRWAN Project can reasonably expect to impact
88,000 Indian children and directly impact, with tools to encourage
support the learning of their children, about 49,400 parents,
or a total of
about 137,400 Indian and other rural residents.
Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita