Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
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29 JUNE 1977


John P. Reitinger, Major USAF, Commander

1. NAME: Roy E. Howard, 1st Lt, USAF, 766 Radar Squadron (ADCOM) Caswell Air Force Station, Maine

2. MILITARY RECORD. Lt Howard achieved his commission 21 December 1973 through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) program at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. His assertive role in ROTC activities earned him public recognition for his creative contributions and numerous awards for his accomplishments in leadership positions as Arnold Air Society Projects Officer, Nataional Conclave Staff Officer, and Band Commander.

His successful completion of the Administration Management and Executive Support Officer Courses at Keesler AFB, Mississippi finalized his specialty training and he was assigned to the 766 Radar Squadron, Caswell Air Force Station, Maine as the Chief of Administration on 8 March 1974.


Lt Howard projects a positive image of the "Air Force Way" through his extensive involvement in community functions and affairs. He maintains an ambient relation with the local media, and through his effective management and utilization of the News Release Program, he has insured that knowledge of the NORAD mission is readily available on the community level. His site tours for school groups have helped to bridge the gap between the "us and them" complex that so easily develops in an established rural population.

He has participated in several community councils, including the locally renowned Bicentennial Committee which was so successful in creating bicenntennial enthusiasm with contests, displays, parties, and renovation projects, such that Caswell AFS was selected as a National Bicentennial Installation.

The Caswell Elementary School PTA elected Lt Howard vice-president. In this position, he coordinated with the site for school use of station facilities when school resources were deemed inadequate, such as use of the site gymnasium sports equipment.

In the capacity of music director, he volunteered his talent and experience to the development of the school Christmas pageant. Responding to a heavy demand for private music teachers in the area, Lt Howard travels up to sixty miles per week to instruct on a variety of instruments in both private lessions and group sessions. He is also the nucleus of a business which promotes local entertainers in the area. The relatively rapid growth of his company induced General Daniel James Jr., CINCNORAD, to recognmize him as a "fine representative of the Command through the visibility he receives in this endeavor".

As a leader in his church, Lt Howard travels throughout northern Maine and eastern Canada giving leadership instruction to Sunday School officers and teachaers, speeches in special meetings, and musical performances for the congregations. In his local church, he has been selected to serve on special committees dealing with fund raising campaigns and local chapel construction.


Lt Howard has created an interest in customs and courtesies and genral military knowledge within the unit by publishing local newsheets developed through his own research. Among these fact sheets, was an unprecedented account of the 766 Radar Squadron's history, and a thorough slide briefing on the NORAD and unit mission geared for newcomers.


He is consistently professional in his appearance, expression and knowledg of current events.


At the time of Lt Howard's arrival on station, Administration, Security, and the other areas placed in his sphere of influence received unsatisfactory ratings. Due to his affective leadership, the problem areas were identified and the laborious task of rewriting publications, reconciling PDO records, updating operating prcedures and generating section morale completed. His personal concern for both his sections and the individuals working under him inspired immense improvements, and subsequently Command Management Effectiveness Ispenctions and Staff Assistance Visits to the current date have yielded consistently high ratings.


Lt Howard has been a dynamic force in the resurgent morale program at Caswell AFS. His demonstrated flexibility has resulted in my assigning him a myriad of significant and time consuming executive support responsibilities. His unique ability to accomplish the tasks required has vastly increased the efficiency of the 766 Radar Squadron in support of the 22nd NORAD Region.

As Chief of Administration, Lt Howard streamlined the distribution system and Unit Mail Room operations. He implemented procedures that significantly reduced costs of copying and duplicating while increasing the qulity of service to the unit. He rewrote numerous Unit regulations to simplify and clarify operating instructions.

As Special Services Officer, Lt Howard has designed many successful morale and recreation programs and facilities, including the organization of the Winter Festival and the plans for a completely new recreation center and library. He trained several new or part time recreation supervisors from checklists he personally prepared and manage all recration programs during many months when the installation lacked a qualifed Recreation Services NCO.

During 1975, Lt Howard operated the entire site security and law enforcement office without benefit of an assigned security policeman. he trained and led a security augmentation team, established close coordination with local law inforcement authorities, wrote regulations and OPLANS and insured adequate security administration. He continues to perform and indispensible role as Primary Security Managaer and trainer.

Lt Howard's management of the Social Actions Program has been peerless. His comprehensive yet tasteful publicity on substance abuse and diligent Human Relations training coordination have had significant positive results. Since Lt Howard became Social Actions Officer, this unit has not had to enter anyone in either alcohol or drug rehabilitation programs. Additionally, we have consistently remained ahead of our Host Base training targets for the various Human Relations training programs.

Although Information Officer is but one of Lt Howard's additional duties, the quality and quantity of public affairs features, Hometown News Releases, internal media articles, and photographic coverage of all site events, equates to a full time job. He completely reworked the Information Requirements Management function and submitted a comprehensive suggestion to ADCOM for changing the existing system throughout the command.

Lt Howard lends reliability, versatility, competence and professionalism to the command support elements of Administration, Personnel, Special Services, Security and Information. An officer with his wide variety of experience and mangerial talent is an irreplaceable asset to any commander.

Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
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