KDOT East Lake
N Hydraulic St & E 45th St N
Wichita, KS 67219

Northeast of the I-135/I-235 interchange in North Wichita; the only access is from 45th St. North.

NE of I-135, I-235 Intersection

GPS Location: 37.76603 -97.31988 Mapquest

7 Acres

Trout Permit is required for all anglers all year.

5 Channel Catfish
10 Crappie
2 Largemouth Bass (18" minimum)
5 Trout (stocked with 681: Oct 13, Nov 5)

Angling is somewhat like Poetry, men are to be born so.
- Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler
(pt. I, ch. I)

To determine the best lure, observe the bugs in the area