Meadows Park Lake
515 S. 119th St. W.
Wichita, KS 67235

On South 119th St W South of W 6th St S

Go West on Kellog to 119th St W, turn North (at Resthaven Cemetery). Turn in to "West Lake" shopping center. Use Felipe's restaurant parking lot. Keep off the restaurant grass. Stay away from the construction site. Watch your step at the north end, as the ground is uneven and hard to see.

Location: Mapquest

5 Channel Catfish
10 Crappie
2 Largemouth Bass (18" minimum)

Opportunity is ever worth expecting; let your hood be ever hanging ready. The fish will be in the pool where you least imagine it to be.
[Lat., Casus ubique valet; semper tibi pendeat hamus.
Quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit.]
- Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Ars Amatoria
(bk. III, 425)