Music for Fishing

(by Roy E. Howard, composer) Fishing Music Videos YouTube Playlist

"My Father Loves Me" and other songs and activities for Building Family Unity by Going Fishing

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A Dream

I remember a dream. It was a whole new format. I was able to adjust the dream anyway I wanted. So I had a pleasant dream.

I was fishing. What could be more pleasant? So I added my wife to the scene. She sat on the shore and told me how wonderful I was doing and gave me a kiss every time I caught a fish. Then she started calling the kids every time I caught one. However, she did not want to be in the water, so I added her sister.

She was fishing beside me. Every time I caught one or she caught one, she would give me a hug, so we caught more. When I had my limit of trout, I started catching crappie, and so forth. My wife, of course, gathered family all around her, so she could tell them about how beautiful the sun was shining, so I kept adjusting the dream to make it a more and more beautiful fall day with changing leaves and a warm breeze. The happier she got, the more pleasant my dream was for me.

I am happy when she is happy. She is happy when her kids are with her. The happier she got, the more hugs I got, so it was just a pleasant dream because my family was there, and I remember it. Too bad I woke up before the fish fry.

So, pleasant dreams to you.

Born in the Mountains, Born for the Mountains

Long legs, fast feet, and a head held high
Reaching out and reaching up, and always asking why
Hike and bike, and run and swim and set my own pace
The tree line is a starting place and upward goes the race.

Born in the mountains
Born for the mountains
Give me the trails that are less trod
Plant my feet on mountain sod.

Give me an axe and a rod and staff,
Open sky, a snow capped peak,
and lots of room to laugh
Snow and rain and wind and hail,
tall trees where eagles nest
Two hands, a knife, and a spacious view,
and I will do the rest.

Blue River Rainbow

Oh the Blue River
There's a big rainbow.
Oh the Blue River
I will soon hold a big bellied pot of gold.

In the clear upper blue in the rain and the snow
In the lower blue where the cold winds blow
With a Dorsey's Mysis and a black beauty midge
I seek a riffle below the snowy ridge.

The Christmas Island browns lay deep in the pools
In the Grand Central Dam the big brooks laid low
Asbestos Alley kept us busy casting long
We tried every lure in the beautiful, deep North Pond.

Doña Nelly: La Trucha de La Luspa

ISRC QM-WRK-11-00003
©2011  Cantos Para Todos

A pie subimos por el camino de los Incas
en la piscícola Migüir, cantaba la cascada.
región del oso, páramo, llama y alpaca,
a  cuatro mil metros se siente frío,
no hay yuca, paca ni papa.

El agua que cargamos se perdió,
 la trucha que buscamos se escapó
la preñadilla nunca  se asomó,
y la neblina densa vino y nos mojó,
con sus caballos de la sierra,
Gustavo Jácome nos rescató.

Doña Nelly con agüita de tipo nos abrigó,
sabrosa trucha con aguacate nos  convidó.
Arriba del antigüo Guapdondelig,
donde cañaris pescaban preñadilla,
Doña Nelly dejó una palomita en mi  corazón.

Doña Nelly con agüita de tipo nos abrigó,
sabrosa trucha con aguacate nos  convidó.
Arriba del antigüo Guapdondelig,
donde cañaris pescaban preñadilla,
Doña Nelly dejó una palomita en mi  corazón.

Down in the Deep of the Big Slough Creek

Down in the deep of the Big Slough Creek
Lines are sunk as the fishermen seek
Legends and demons and the secrets the keep
Catch one and you leap! Honors you will reap!
Lose it and you will weep!

1. Waters of the creek are connected to the lakes,
to the rivers and the streams throughout the state
Fish are attracted to the deep water pools
For the sands and and the dams are to them like jewels.

2. November seven of ttwo thousand and nine
A fisherman nearly lost all his line
He stripped out the line and all the backing, too:
That giant of a channel cat, down the creek he flew.

3. Stories are told of the crappie and the bass
Fishermen come far, no matter the cost of gas
When they hook a big one they begin to shout
Whether sunfish or a catfish or a golden rainbow trout.

4. Fly fishing waters are the most special kind
Trout stocked waters are a rare and precious find
Flatland Fly Fishers brought the dams and the sand
We thank them for the lunkers, let's all give them a hand.

Drifting Nymphs on the Blue River

Keep your tip up, drift the nymph drag free
Tick the bottom once in awhile.
Change the indicator, adjust the split shot.
Stay in control of your flies.

Look for the wink, quickly raise the rod tip.
Take the slack, grab your rod, and hang on.
Hang on, hang on..
Take the slack, grab your rod, and hang on!

Big Blue River browns and brooks and giant rainbows
Hit like a Milk Run and fight like Twister City.
Spectator Bridge is the place for the show.
Stay in control of your flies.

Look for the wink, quickly raise the rod tip.
Take the slack, grab your rod, and hang on.
Hang on, hang on..
Take the slack, grab your rod, and hang on!

Honor song for the Flatland Fly Fishers:
pdf | mp4

Flatland Fly Fishers

Flatland Fly Fishers, we travel miles to catch a trout
Flatland Fly Fishers, keep the line in the water and wait 'em out.

1. I catch catfish with a fly, bass, and crappie, and saugeye.
Bluegill can't resist my lure. Kansas is great, let me give you a tour.

2. Put on the waders and wear a hat. Pass up the bucket brigade where they sat.
Smile hello to your friends of the vest. The biting midge bloodworm is a key not a pest.

3. Gather 'round boys, I will tell you no lie I caught a lunker with a twenty two fly.
I cast in a riffle just behind a rock, got a strike every time, and that is not talk.

4. Russia, New Zealand, or a Rocky Mountain state, being on the road is just our fate.
But then in the winter we go every week to the beautiful, homemade Big Slough Creek.

5. All I want for Christmas this year is fly me south to where the skies are clear
Get me away from the frozen sod and buy me a fourteen foot, nine ounce rod.
6. I had a dream the other night, in it I saw the heavens bright.
Now I'm looking forward to the day I die, to go fly fishing in the Sweet Bye 'n Bye.

Get Me Out of My Seatbelt, I Wanna Go Home

1.Get me out of my seat belt... I wanna go home.
My ears hurt so bad. I wanna go home.
I have been traveling and I cry:
Get me out of my seat belt I wanna go home!

2.Colorado is fine but... I wanna go home.
I cry for Kansas. I wanna go home.
I want to be with family.
I want to sleep in my bed
I wanna go home!

3.My ear popped and it hurts and... I wanna go home.
I want some popcorn. I wanna go home.
I really want to be in Kansas now.
Get me out of my seat belt I wanna go home!
Get me out of my seat belt I wanna go home!

Good Luck, Have a Nice Day

As I was walking to the lake one day
I passed my buddies along the way
They said, "good luck, have a nice day".
I said, hear me now, to what I say
Keep your tip up
keep your line in the water
good luck, have a nice day.

As I was walking to the creek one day
I passed some fly fishers along the way
They said, "hey, how's goin' today".
I said, I am fishin', not at work today.
Keep your tip up
keep your line in the water
good luck, have a nice day.

As I was walking to the river one day
I passed a man with a lunker in play
He said, fishin' is good, why don't you stay?
I said, your invitation sounds OK
He said, Keep your tip up
keep your line in the water
good luck, have a nice day.

As I was walking 'round the reservoir one day
I passed the catfishers out on the bay
They said, "sink it on down, and let it stay"
I said, cast into the shallows where the fish do lay.
Keep your tip up
keep your line in the water
good luck, have a nice day.

Honor song for the Kansas Fisheries Biologists: Kansas Fish
Kansas Koi

I visited Neal Hall at Classic Destiny
He is an engineer and artist who makes fishing rods of every kind. I went for repairs; I got lessons, and rod cases, and line, and other things I needed.

Here is the result: I catch trout in Wichita with a fly rod.

Neal also raises Koi fish of all colors and sizes. I was so impressed I wrote a tone poem to represent the colors and swirling motions. Neal is a real Wichita treasure. Be sure to visit his shop some day.

Here is the music:
Kansas Koi

Killer Trout

A "fish story" based on a dream inspired by the cultural conflict between the catch & release sport fishers and those who fish for food.

Gather 'round boys, and I'll tell you a tale
of a the trout who thought he was a killer whale
I know it sounds strange, but I tell you no lies
I saw it all with my very own eyes.
He was mean
He was a cannibal
He ate and ate and grew and grew
'til I killed him.

It was trout stocking day and I went to the creek
I wanted to watch them, just to take a peek
Fishing fever got me so I borrowed a rig,
put on a number sixteen Olive Zebra Midge.
Nine foot rod
Number Six line
Four X tippet, a single action reel
Parachute cast.

On the first cast he hit like a brick
When I saw his size I almost got sick
I ran down the bank and tried to keep up
As he dove and swam and shook with each jump.
He saw me
He was mad
He made a leap, landed at my feet
So I grabbed him.

His mouth was full of lures and dead fish
All the trout he had caught I could only wish
No wonder the fishing 'til then had been slow
He had eaten every rainbow in the hole.
Now he's gone
So's my iPhone
So I built a fire and invited my friends
And we ate him.

Make the Last Cast and Go Home

Fish where the fish are, whether that be near or far
Offer what they're looking for, not what attracts you in the store
Try near or far or deep or shallow, no single bait or lure is hallowed
If no fish comes to your hook, try something else, or read a book.

All the luck I need is to be fishing today,
My line is in the water, and that is enough pay;
But I must remember, wherever I may roam,
Make the last cast and go home!

Keep your line tight and wait for the bite
A nibble's not enough, for you will have to hang tough.
Set the hook in his mouth before he spits it out
If you want the hook to work you've got to give the line a jerk.

All the luck I need is to be fishing today,
My line is in the water, and that is enough pay;
But I must remember, wherever I may roam,
Make the last cast and go home!

Pleasures are doubled without a doubt, whether its for crappie or for bass or for trout.
Each cast is an elation as you enjoy all of creation.
The mind and heart race with the sky, then your belly fills with the fish fry.
If your fishing is a labor of love, then joy comes from above.

All the luck I need is to be fishing today,
My line is in the water, and that is enough pay;
But I must remember, wherever I may roam,
Make the last cast and go home!

Mi Caña y Bastón Me Alientan

un sueño del Reino de Dios
(Salmo 23 interpretado para los pescadores por Dr. Roy E. Howard)

Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

No me pidieron un currículo.
No me pidieron cantar o tocar.
No me pidieron dónde había estado.
No me pidieron pagar para entrar.

1. Con sonrisa en la cara,
un abrazo amistoso,
Un beso y una risa,
y un cayado que sostiene.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

2. Un saludo dichoso
con los ojos encendidos.
Un guiño y asentimiento,
y una vara de pescar.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

3. Descanso en los pastos,
con la mesa llena.
Las aguas reposan,
Mi copa rebosa.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

4. A todos amar,
y vas a estar
Donde no saben luchar,
y su copa va a rebosar.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

5. Un beso y una risa,
y un cayado que sostiene.
Un guiño y asentimiento,
y una vara de pescar.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.
Mi caña y bastón me alientan.

Salmo 23
1  Jehová es mi pastor; nada me faltará.
2 En lugares de delicados pastos me hará descansar; junto a aguas de reposo me pastoreará.
3 Confortará mi alma; me guiará por sendas de justicia por amor de su nombre.
4 Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo; tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento.
5 Aderezas mesa delante de mí en presencia de mis angustiadores; unges mi cabeza con aceite; mi copa está rebosando.
6 Ciertamente el bien y la misericordia me seguirán todos los días de mi vida, y en la casa de Jehová moraré por largos días.

Habiendo purificado vuestras almas mediante la obediencia a la verdad, por medio del Espíritu, hasta llegar a un amor fraternal no fingido, amaos unos a otros entrañablemente de corazón puro, habiendo nacido de nuevo, no de simiente corruptible, sino de una incorruptible, por la palabra de Dios que vive y permanece para siempre. 1 Peter 1:22, 23

Only the Bold Fish in the Cold and the Rain and the Wind and the Snow

The wind is biting, and so are the trout. Many people told me they like to fish in the cold because that is when the trout are biting. However, one day at the creek, Rory and I were the only fishers. Good thing for me he was there, as I fell in, as usual. Fishing in the wind and rain and snow is not bad at all. The waders and jacket are good protection. I have not solved the problem of cold hands, though.

Only the bold fish in the cold
and the rain, and the wind, and the snow.

Socks and sweaters and gloves and caps and
long handled underwear and wraps,
chest waders, coat, pants, belt, and the rest.
There's hardly room for your net, rod, or vest!

The rain comes down and the water comes up, and
The channels and the holes are shifting sand.
You can wade through the ice and the mud where you sink
but the water is deeper than you think.

Did you know that after a rain
there are holes in the creek that are six feet deep?
Don't wade alone in the Big Slough Creek
You may never be seen again.

In the winter it is dark in the morning and
dark in the day and the afternoon
Don't stay late, for when the sun goes down
you could slip and fall and drown.

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