Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
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The EDBL courses at the Gallup Graduate Studies Center are very popular. The peaks in the chart below represent semesters in which adjuncts were hired and more courses were offered. Charts below refer to graduate courses. The low point in Summer '99 represents one EDBL course offered. In addition to only one EDBL course, Dr. Howard taught an EDL course (with 28 students) that summer which counted as an elective for the TESOL endorsement.

Comments on Course Evaluations of Dr. Howard


EDBL 552 Indo-Hispanic Culture

Overall a great class. I learned a lot. Clarifying ideas. Dr. Howard is an excellent model. he teaches like he preaches.

Mr. Howard is the best teacher and educator that I have ever known. He understands what it is to teach in Gallup.

I was able to use what I learned in this class to obtain a mini grant to incorporate cultural themes in the classroom. He makes students comfortable with assignments. Assignments are useful in relationship to teaching.

He was very personal and enjoyable to work with in this class.

Dr. howard models good ESL/ELD, Multicultural teaching methods.

We worked on meaningful projects that we can use in the classroom.

I appleciate the scheduling of TESOL classes. Dr. Howard designed a course plan & because of his planning I have kept to a schedule which will enable me to achieve my MAT Goal VERY SOON!!!

Treats us as individuals. Knows his stuff. Sings songs with us. No weaknesses.

I like most: doing the creative work, doing the interviews, writing interview papers, getting my Math II Unit Plan done. I hate groupwork (although I like the members of my group a lot!) Offer courses in the summer! Please, Please, Please!

The instructor's greatest strength is he is an excellent instructor.

I like most about this course the discussions of different cultures: hispanic, native american, and etc.

Everything was excellent.

I would like to enroll in another course with Dr. Howard. The course was very interesting.

Strength: his expertise in the area.

Strength: His talen of drawing from his cross cultural experience and his willingness to get people to talk about themselves.

I liked the discussions and the singing.

Strength: knowledge of the subject.

Strength: knowledge of subject matter & willingness to listen. Support of students.

Like: I gained a lot of good ideas.

Strength: knowledge of cultures and music. Like: interaction among the students.

Strength: open to new ideas; extremely knowledgeable. I liked the book and the projects.

He cares about educational issues and communicates this well. He is very available to students outside of class time. Like: it forced me to create some valuable units. The text was helpful.

He has a great store of knowledge & truly knows the region.

Strength: ability to convey his knowledge in several different ways to the students. I liked all that I learned about Navajo and Hispanic cultures. Everything was good. We need more videos and things about Navajos.

Strength: true interest in the subject. Accepts all students. No weakness. Interesting topics every class.

EDUC 534 Integration of Technology in the Curriculum

His strength is patience, understanding of where students are coming from. The only weakness I am aware of is that there was not enough of him to go around. I like the down to earth attitude and atmosphere of the class.

His strength is in giving up-to-date information, and the trust he has in the integrity of the students. I liked the freedom to explore the technology.

He is knowledgeable, relaxed, yet he conveyed a strong sense of enthusiasm.

EDBL 527 Introduction to Linguistics

He is supportive and encouraging.

Very knowledgeable and willing to share.

Knowledgeable, easy going

Encouragement, knowlege and guidance to successfully meet requirements of the class. Thanks for everything!

He has a depth of knowledge few individuals have. he taught differently and added to my experiences in class

tolerant, knowledgeable

EDL 525 Education in a Pluralistic Society

Strength: Dr. Howard's background on minority students and their families is excellent!. I liked the variety of cultural knowledge integrated into the overall goals and objectives of this course. Dr. Howard did a fabulous job. I wish there were more professors who were knowledgeable about so many cultures. It was very helpful!

Dr. Howard is intelligent, knowledgeable, and compassionate. good lecturer.

He is a great storyteller, good instructor. Overall he did a good job.

His greatest strength is knowledge of the subject. Teh material presented in class is relevant to this commuity. We need more of these.

He knows, he cares, he preachesit: he lives multiculturally. I liked the music, the language, the NPR clips, the PBS videos.

Strength: his ability to put up with all 28 students, his sense of humor and how he enjoys teaching. I liked the ideas of how to put respect and self esteem back into society.

Strength: good storyteller.

Strength: knowledge of Native Americans, but I will not not always be in this area!

Strength: Knowledge of material, use of different teaching styles. I liked the group discussions.

Strength: Flexibility, homor, aware of computer tech; encourages. I liked the group work the integrated lessons.

EDBL 518 Second language teaching: Theory and methodology

Dr. Howard does a great job of pulling in current, relevant material and information.

Dr. Howard is so knowledgeable that he is a great resource. He really encourages the exchange of new ideas and theories. Very encouraging. I liked the opportunity to share and exchange ideas and teaching tips.

Strength: Knowledge of material, making connections through examples.

Strength: Getting students involved in active learning. The course was great. Dr. Howard does a fantastic job of teaching.

Strength: his ability to sing a spur of the moment.

Strength: the ability to relate to all cultures. I like the ideas of other teachers.

Strength: knowledgeable and friendly.

fosters an attitue of active, fun learning. Teaches by example.I truly enjoy the relaxed learning environment. I do much better with it!

Strength: sense of humor, personal narratives, storytelling. I like the great ideas (teacher tips), group presentations.

Instructor knows subject matter well. Excellent teaching methods.

He is very knowledgeable about the subject area. The weakness was not his, but that there is too much information to learn and not enough time to get it all. I like "all of it"

Strength: ability to bring the affective filter down. Let students all participate fully. I liked everything.

EDBL 520 English Language Phonology

Strength: getting the students involved in the discussions. I hated the transcription at the beginning but enjoyed it after learning how to do it. I enjoyed the class because my mind is expanded into learning more about language.

Strength: his knowledge of the subject area. I liked the understanding of language in relationship to students.

He teaches using various media and learning styles. He involves the students. I like the nonthreatening atmosphere/ giving students opportunity to practice (hands on) activities.

Strength: knowledge of material and willingess to accept student input. I like the discussion and presentations among students.

Strength: knowledge of subject matter

Models excellent teaching strategies; lets students discuss and come to conclusions, guides and encourages learning instead of direct instruction! I like discussing current problems and solutions for this area with our population, learning about our students as well as current problems in education across the USA that affect us. I liked doing our class over the internet. I hope WebCt functions better. i also liked using Internet to find articles and sharing them with the class.

EDBL 566 Cross Cultural Patterns

Strength: Information on various cultures, technical techniques, visual aids, sharing ideas, culture, respect, understanding. We need more out of class trips for culture learning.

He is flexible and is caring about cultures. I liked learning about other cultures. The speakers, and I learned a lot from his daughter.. I liked the presentations, best of all, I like to do hands on activities.

Strength: technological knowledge

Strength: openness. I liked the discussions and the project presentations.

Strength: related subject matter to actual teaching practices. I liked how he got all people involved.

Strength: Navajo language and ovesrall knowledge of multiculturalism. I liked the diversity in the course.

Strength: knowledge of subject matter, leading student discussions. Great class. I feel I learned a lot from Dr. Howard. he models great teaching strategies.

Strength: He used music and meaningful content. He was great in Navajo language.. I liked all the interaction.

His greatest strength was his presentation style and his listening skills as well as his stories that tied in with the lessons. I did not notice any weaknesses. The classes were stimulating and extremely informative. I liked the whole course. I think Dr. Howard did a really great job. He really is a wonderful instructor.

He let us listen to him. Because of his ability to share information with other cultures. He talked about how we could implement lessons in our classrooms.

He followed up on what students brought to discussions - how does that realed to course objuectives. . I liked meeting other educators and sharing ideas.

Strength: instructor's stories and examples. I liked the interaction that took pllace during the four week-ends. all the class discussions we had. At end of the course everyone seems to be laughing.

Strength: ability to listen to and respond instantly to student input with a great variety of materials. I don't like the textbook. I like the opportunity created by instructor to interact with the material and other class participants. truly staggering range of materials and of instructor's ability to link whatever's being talked about to educational theory and practice.

Strength: ability to get all the students involved. I like working all together with a group to complete our project.

Strength: flexibility! made accomodations for everyone. I like the relevance of materials to my current teaching stituation.

Strength: music and life experiences. I like the history and stories.


EDUC 580 Internet for Classroom Instruction

Strength: Willingness to heop everyone. I liked: informal, able to move around everyone helpful.

Dr. Howard is a very patient man.

the instructor's knowledge of computers is remarkable. he is willing to share and learn along with the students. I liked the basics of the internet. I did not like all the technical stuff.

He knows a lot and wanted us to learn a lot. Many people had troupble trying to keep up with new technology. I liked learning about the computers: I learned a great deal that applies directly to my work, schooling, and I hope family.

EDUC 580 Technology Basics for Educators

Strength: open to any ideas expressed. Like: fun, interesting, challenging; students had to overcome a lot to succeed. I enjoyed and learned a lot. Thanks.

Strength: knowledge of technology. I liked the chance to learn and practice.

Strength: instructor's interest in teaching. I liked the ideas for putting a page for information, using the slide show to have people view and get information.

Strength: his willingness to teach step by step. Like: learning not to be afraid of the computer, learning how to apply the work to my classroom.

Strength: personality

Strength: willingness to help. Like: independence.

EDUC 580 Multimedia Production for Educators

Strength: his vast knowledge in many areas. Like: all of the basic explanations to help a fledgling computer person. Plus learning to use all of the various technological equipment.

Strength: willingness to explain new things. I like the hands on time to practice and explore.

Strength: the instructor knows a lot about computers and is willing to share ideas. Multimedia was interesting: about how photos can be included on a computer page.

Strength: he is continually learning himself so then teaches the whole process. I liked being able to see all the options but did not like being able to afford the options.

Strength: personality: calm, quiet, enthusiastic, personable. I learned a great deal about computers that is directly applicable to my teaching assignment and my other graduate courses.



Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
e-mail | Vita