Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
e-mail | Vita | Application

Letters of Support

Subject: Letter in Support of Dr. Howard
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 14:38:38 -0700
From: Patricia Maguire <>
To:"Jerry Harmon" <>

TO: Dr. Jerry Harmon, Dean, School of Education, and
Tenure and Promotion Committee

FROM: Dr. Patricia Maguire, Associate Professor, Education

RE: Support of Dr. Roy Howard's Promotion Application

DATE: February 25, 2000

It is a pleasure to write in support of Dr. Roy Howard's promotion
application. As past chairperson of the WNMU-Gallup Graduate Studies
Center (five years) and a colleague of Dr. Howard's since his assignment
to the GGSC in 1995, I am in strong position to have first hand
knowledge of Dr. Howard's skills, expertise, and experiences. He has
made important and unique contributions to the SOE's successful NCATE
and NCA accreditation bids, the success of the Gallup Graduate Studies
Center, WNMU's mission related to multicultural teacher training and
innovation in technology, and statewide professional organizations.
Dr. Howard is easily one of the top two technologically competent and
skilled SOE faculty. He was a driving force in bringing the GGSC
multimedia computer lab and counseling labs to reality. Often without
release time and little public recognition, Dr. Howard graciously and
generously donated hundreds of hours to the set up, management, and
running of the lab. He likewise gave technical support and expertise in
designing, ordering, and setting up the equipment for the counseling
lab. He has given the counseling program support in the required
videotaping of sessions. Likewise, he created the GGSC web site and
manages it as webmaster.

Perhaps more importantly in terms of his bid for promotion, Dr. Howard
has been a role model and mentor to area educators, GGSC graduate
students AND GGSC faculty, in the use and integration of technology in
support of learning in multicultural contexts. This is consistent with
and supportive of NCATE and NCA technology and multicultural standards
in teacher education. Dr. Howard has been a WNMU pioneer in the creative
and standards-driven use of multimedia technology in teaching,
communicating, and research. He was a member of the WNMU pilot WebCt
campus group and has successfully and creatively used WebCT in all his
courses. This has been critical for our students to experience faculty
successfully integrating technology. He has been a pioneer in using
distance teaching to bring WNMU to rural educators. While every endeavor
has not been perfect, Dr. Howard is a risk taker, willing to try new
things and make mistakes, as we all learn how to best utilize technology
in support of curriculum.

He has been generous with other GGSC faculty in sharing his technology
expertise with them and their students. Ironically, his generous sharing
of his technological expertise and time has benefited other faculty's
bids for promotion and tenure. As his student evaluations' demonstrate,
graduate students recognize and appreciate that Dr. Howard has been a
model in experimenting with and using multi-media technology, including
multimedia power point creations, videotaping, video integration,
internet-based course components, design of web pages, communicating
between classes, and various other technologies. As one student notes,
he "walks the talk."

Dr. Howard is a gifted linguist, speaking among other languages, Navajo.
His multilingual talents have contributed to the credibility of the GGSC
graduate programs, which serve a high proportion of Native American
students. Likewise, given his experience teaching and working in
multicultural settings, he has been a leader in the TESOL program,
preparing all teachers to work with culturally, linguistically, and
economically diverse students. In line with WNMU mission to bring
cutting edge teacher education to a poor, rural populace, Dr. Howard had
driven more backroads and dirt roads to take university education "to
the people." No WNMU faculty, SOE or otherwise, has more selflessly
driven to isolated areas to deliver university, graduate courses to
rural educators hungry for professional development. Again, this has
greatly supported WNMU's mission.

Dr. Howard has been aggressive in getting out into the field, i.e. area
classrooms to see our students at work and to share his skills. He is
known locally as a gifted storyteller and musician. He has gone into
hundreds of classrooms to demonstrate a variety of ways to reach limited
English Proficiency students. Again he has been generous in the sharing
of his time and talent, which have benefited the university's teaching

Although Dr. Howard is a gifted musician who plays dozens of
instruments, he is not very forceful at "blowing his own horn." He
quietly and generously supports the work of the SOE, the GGSC, and the
professional organizations of which he is a member. Just as we model for
our graduate students the importance of honoring the diverse learning
styles of all of their students, it is important for an SOE to celebrate
the diverse gifts and talents of all its faculty. Dr. Howard has made
many important contributions to the success of the SOE in its NCATE and
NCA bids and the success of the GGSC. I value Dr. Howard's gifts. As a
colleague and past chair, I have learned from him and seen my own
students do likewise. His contributions, professional expertise, and
personal generosity and support of learning, for both graduate students
and colleagues, should be rewarded.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions (505 863-6940 or

It is a pleasure to support Dr. Howard's bid for promotion.

Patricia Maguire

Subject: Re: LETTER
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:47:50 -0700
From: ""Hermán S. García"" <>

February 21, 2000

Jerry Harmon, Dean
College of Education
Western New Mexico University
Silver City, New Mexico

Dear Dr. Harmon:

This letter serves as an endorsement and support for Dr. Roy Howard for
promotion to full professor. I have known of him for a many years as a
colleague and through his work which remains among the most impressive in
bilingual education circles. Dr. Howard and I worked as colleagues at
Texas Tech University before returning to New Mexico. It is with joy and
great pride that I write and submit this letter on his behalf.

I consider Dr. Howard's practices and community work are among the most
progressive and challenging from among a wide-range of educators in the
United States. I have no doubt whatsoever that Professor Howard meets,
above and beyond, all of the criteria for promotion to full professor. His
work as an engaged educator and his contributions to knowledge on
culturally responsive democratic classrooms are in my view the best I have
ever seen. He is responsibly intelligent, most trustworthy, a critical
thinker, possesses civic courage, and occupies the leadership abilities
necessary for university faculty who assert empowering educational programs.

His commitment and capabilities to educational freedoms commonly pose
challenging perspectives and positions. Dr. Howard abundantly masters
these qualities and provides the community ample opportunity to think of
his ideas in creative and exciting views. He is a risk taker, a team
player, a caring person, and moreover, works collaboratively across several
borders of people, programs, projects, communities, agencies, and
institutions. His perspectives embody the discourses which provide far
reaching interpretations about how education can become a central theme in
the advancement of a social, cultural, and linguistic democracy.

In my estimation, Dr. Howard has the broad-range strengths of a
Twenty-first Century educator. He has the deftness to bring people
together from various sectors and diverse groups, e.g., faculty, staff,
students, and the community to make things happen for all groups. He is
committed to high quality work and origination.

In recent years, Professor Howard has spiritedly worked in very important
projects relating to language and multicultural communities. I have always
been thoroughly impressed with his broad knowledge base and attitude
towards learning, especially in relation to dynamic situations. He
incorporates a variety of anti-formulaic approaches in his work. In
addition, he is active in developing and generating new ways of knowing and
understanding which he immediately shares with everyone. He is always
expanding his interests and horizons.

It is without hesitation or reservation that I strongly support Dr. Roy E.
Howard for promotion to full professor. Should you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Hermán S. García
Professor and Department Head
Curriculum and Instruction

Subject: Letter of Recomendation
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 09:03:29 -0600
From: "Sonia Raftery" <>
To: Roy Howard <>

Dr. Jerry Harmon
Dean, School of Education
Western New Mexico University

In the eight years I have been associated with Dr. Roy Howard, I have been constantly impressed with his professionalism and dedication to bilingual education. He served with me on the Executive Board of the Southern New Mexico Consortium for Bilingual/Multicultural Education for several years. As secretary he maintained meticulous records, composed the by-laws, and published the association newsletter. As president he led the group to a higher level of professional activity. His talent as an effective communicator was a key factor in the growth of the organization. He served with me on the Executive Board of the New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education for several years. This year that I am president, he has been an invaluable asset to me as Association secretary.

I am constantly complemented for the quality of the web site he has established ( ). In addition to that, he publishes the quarterly "El Noticiero", and has done so continuously since 1992. He participates in all the Association state and national activities, traveling many miles with his computer and camera to document and report to the profession. Dr. Howard is very well known throughout the entire state of New Mexico and across the nation for his excellent service to the profession of bilingual education, not only through his highly visible publications, but through his presentations and story telling at conferences, and in the schools.

I highly recommend Dr. Howard as a well recognized professional with the high esteem of his state and national colleagues. He is an effective ambassador for Western New Mexico University.

Sonia Córdova-Raftery
New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education

New Mexico Coalition of School Administrators

Subject: Application
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:30:48 -0700
From: "Decker, Douglas" <>

I sent this letter on to Dr. Harmon at this morning.

Dr. Jerry Harmon
Dean, School of Education
Western New Mexico University

It is a great pleasure to recommend Dr. Roy Howard as an asset to the
community and a worthy ambassador of Western New Mexico University.

Upon his arrival to Gallup in 1997, I immediately recognized his
willingness and ability to be of service. I recommended him (and he was
called) as a Counselor in the Bishopric of the Gallup 1st Ward, the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this capacity he works many hours as a
leader and teacher of groups and individuals. His responsibilities include
the supervision of programs for children, youth, and adults. His leadership
has greatly contributed to the growth of our programs and the personal
progress of many individuals.

His great assets include the ability to communicate cross culturally,
bridging the gap for the Native American and Hispanic members. He has
been effective in conducting training, assisting auxiliary presidencies
in the conduct of their organizations, and preparing special
publications, songs, and other media. The ward choir is currently
rehearsing an Easter cantata for which he composed, arranged, and transcribed all
the music.

Dr. Howard is well known throughout McKinley County because of the great
visibility of his church service and talents in teaching, speaking and

I highly recommend Dr. Howard as a well recognized and appreciated
community member whose connection to Western New Mexico University
brings credit to that organization.

Douglas W. Decker, Esq.
Civil Deputy District Attorney, Civil Counsel to McKinley County;
Bishop, Gallup 1st Ward, LDS

Subject: Dr. Roy Howard
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 06:04:10 EDT
From: "HaniibaazhH" <>


I am near the end of my MAT in TESOL and at this point, could take any elective to finish my degree. However, because of the quality of the program that I've received thus far, I prefer to take classes that are only TESOL. This school year, I have attended two VERY EXPENSIVE TESOL workshops, by Dr. Steven Gresham and Dr. Jim Cummins, both outstanding and nationally recognized individuals in TESOL education. At both of these workshops I was bored to tears because, as a result of the instruction that I've received in my TESOL classes, all of the information being disseminiated was very basic to me. After Dr. Gresham's workshop, I couldn't quite figure out why I was so bored. I then asked other people who attended the conference who had been taking the TESOL classes with me about what they thought about the workshop. It was the same information that we had received in our classes. It was also at that point that I fully realized just what a quality program I was involved in!

There have been a number of people in some of the classes who are passive learners and because of their extreme convergent approach toward life, they criticized the thinking processes that Dr. Howard forced them into. I was somewhat the same way in the first class that I took under him. I openly critcized his approach and became quite angry with class! It has been a real learning experience for me to comply with Dr. Howard's methods. I wanted him to tell me the answers, not make me discover them. Everyone in the class learned about how I felt about his approach during that class, by the way I communicated my thoughts: forthright and openly! however, since I have implemented the methods that I've been taught by Dr. Howard, my students have risen to a new horizon. I've been "blown away" with the significantly higher levels of performance. Dr. Howard really knows his stuff, and whereas I openly criticized him in the beginning, I have since gained a level of respect that I have never given a professor before. I have obviously converted to that of being a staunch advocate of his methods. Therein, is probably where the real problem exists with the Gallup-McKinley County Schools. He facilitates the acquisition of learning in a very successful way. A side effect of his methodology is that people get their "blindfolds" lifted...


Harold B. (Christopher) Hansen
TESOL Representative, WNMU Gallup Graduate Studies Center Graduate Advisory Council
Member, Gallup-McKinley County School District Curriculum Advisory Council
MA, School Administration, WNMU, 1987

Message No. 113: Sent by S Gail Miller on Sat, Feb. 12, 2000, 09:10
Subject: recommendation

Re: Dr. Roy E. Howard, Associate Professor of Bilingual Education/ESL.

I understand Dr. Howard is in line for a promotion to a
full professorship at Western New Mexico University, and I
am writing to wholeheartedly endorse his application for

Dr. Howard responded to the Alamo Navajo Community's need
for both graduate and undergraduate bilingual and ESL
instruction of its teachers and teachers' aides in the fall
of 1998 and has been coming here each semester since then
to teach us.

Dr. Howard is particularly adept at teaching adults from a
variety of backgrounds. How could a student not come into
one of Dr. Howard's classes without a profound respect for
his knowledge and skill--intellectually, musically, and
linguistically? As a consequence, his students are ready
to learn because Dr. Howard's methods exemplify that rare
capacity to provide a variety of positive bridges that link
in his students' minds intuition, thought, and expression.
Individuals like Dr. Howard are sorely needed throughout
the academic world and I believe Western New Mexico
University would not wish to miss this opportunity to
welcome such an individual to its full professorship ranks.



S. Gail Miller School-to-Work Coordinator, Alamo Bilingual
Team, Alamo


Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 11:30:25 -1000
From: "John D. Wilknson" <>
To: <>
Dr. Howard:

My project brings me to Hawaii. I'll be taking an array of devices into the school systems around the state as a substitute teacher -- modeled after your stuff of course. Being a novice at all of
this, I would appreciate your input from time to time. Also, shortly I will be doing teleconferencing. Perhaps we could set something up and do a virtual class.

Thank you,

John Wilkinson


Dear Dr. Maldonado,

I have taken five courses from Dr. Roy Howard in the last two years. I had to get used to his style of teaching at first. I was used to the "lecture and regurgitate" style of teaching. When Dr. Howard used ESL teaching methods, cooperative learning, discovery learning, etc., I found that I learned much better and the learning was relevant to my own teaching. We accomplished projects that were immediately adaptable to our own situation. He has so much knowledge about and experience with various cultures. He is readily available to help students and to become involved in their schools as well. I learned very well in Dr. Howard's classes and hope that he will continue to teach ESL classes here in Gallup.

Mary Johnson


Subject:Great Talent Show

Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 15:46:27 -0700

From: "Carol Milligan" <>

To: "janeen howard" <>

Dear Brother Howard,

Thoroughly enjoyed the dinner and talent show. Best talent show yet, and I think we have you to thank for your time and effort. Just wanted you to know I think you did a great job.

Carol Milligan

Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
e-mail | Vita | Application