Name: Roy E. Howard Department: School of Education

Present Rank: Associate Professor

Application for : X Promotion

Date of Hire: Summer, 1992 Years in current rank: 5

Directions: The faculty member must provide the information on this form and submit it with documentation to the Department Chair/School or College Director no later than February 15th. These materials together with the supervisor's and any faculty comments are to be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs no later than March 15.

Note about the format of the application: This application consists of a website with links. This site contains over 200 items using over 21mb of space. There are many outside links as well. This format was chosen in order to provide access to information about the large volume of constantly changing creative works and community service done by Dr. Howard at WNMU.

Instructions for use: click through the items you want to see in more detail. Use the "Back" button or the "Go" menu on your browser to return to the application for promotion. Most items do not have a link back to the "Application" so that only the reviewers have access to the application.

If a link is bad, or a graphic does not load, let me know, so I can fix it.

Other Elements: Letters of support

1. EDUCATION: Degrees, Dates, Institutions where awarded:

University of New Mexico PhD 1987
Major: Bilingual Education, Teacher Education
Minor: Music Education

University of New Mexico
Major: Elem Education (multicultural) MA 1985
Minor: Music and Language Arts

New Mexico Highlands: Navajo Language and Culture courses 1982-1985

Eastern Washington University
Major: Music Education MA 1982
Minor: Reading

Brigham Young University
Major: Elementary Education BA 1974, endorsements in Spanish and Music
Minors: Music
Aerospace Studies

San Francisco State College, music major 1966-67

2. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Title or Rank, Discipline, Institution, and Length of Service beginning with most recent employment:

Associate Professor of Bilingual Education in the School of Education, Western New Mexico University. Graduate and undergraduate courses in Bilingual Education, ESL, Multicultural Education, Foundations of Education and Music. Taught courses by invitation in Magdalena 2 years, in Deming 1 year, and currently in Alamo for 2 years. Also served various communities with video teaching. Transferred to the Gallup Graduate Studies Center in 1997. Currently teaching courses in bilingual education, TESOL, computer, and educational leadership; also operating a web site, computer lab, video conferencing, and other communications technology.

Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education in the College of Education, Texas Tech University. Graduate and undergraduate courses in Bilingual Education, ESL, and Multicultural Education. Also taught ESL graduate courses in other communities most semesters. Associate Director of Texas Schools Incorporated.

Instructor of graduate courses, 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition and ESL Curriculum and Materials Development, summer 1987 at Texas Tech University.
Instructor of graduate course in Navajo Bilingual Materials Development, summer 1986; and Advanced Field Experience in Navajo Bilingual Education, Spring 1986, the University of New Mexico. Taught in remote communities in distance education program.

Elementary School Teacher in grades K-5, (English as a Second Language to Hispanic Students), Albuquerque Public Schools, Whittier Elementary School, for 1985-86.
Elementary Classroom Teacher, 1982-85 Elementary Classroom Teacher, 6th grade (Navajo Bilingual) at Bureau of Indian Affairs school, Dzilth Na o dith hle, Organized and introduced music instruction and bilingual methods at the school. Helped organize and implement a school computer education program, wrote agency curriculum for music education, wrote agency policy letters for bilingual education.

1973-78 Radar Site Chief of Administration, US Air Force 4 years.
1978-82 Piano Tuner/Technician, 5 years.

Taught Spanish to missionaries two summers, Provo, Utah. Taught private and group music lessons regularly on guitar, trombone, piano and other instruments.

3. Provide a brief description of four most NOTEWORTHY contributions or accomplishments since date of hire, for tenure decisions, or since date current rank was achieved for promotion decisions:

a. Research. I furthered the depth of my research on the use of music by traditional cultures and their application to the elementary and secondary curricula. I authored and published teaching materials based on the cultures we teach at WNMU in the bilingual education and ESL classes. I use these materials in conference presentations as well as in the courses I teach. I give frequent presentations in the schools on cultures of New Mexico. I composed many songs, made original interpretations of the stories and traditional songs, and tied them to school objectives. I wrote grants in teacher education, and did translations. (Policy & Practice) (Teacher Training)
b. Administration and professional service. I edit newsletters and maintain web sites for state professional organizations. I serve as an officer in state and national professional organizations every year. I organized a computer lab, video teleconferencing, and other communications technology equipment. Distance Education and Technology
c. Student Advisement. I do graduate advisement in the MAT for Elementary and Secondary education. I prepared a web site so students could get information about Gallup Graduate Studies Center programs. I assist students from all programs in the computer lab. I visit my students in their classrooms and tell stories to their students.
d. Teaching. I taught numerous courses, developing new courses each year with web and other multimedia components in each. I subscribe to professional journals, attend national, regional and state conferences regularly, and have taken WNMU courses for credit. I share the information from the journals, conferences, and classes with my students in lectures and written materials, including course packets which I entirely compose. I developed WebCt components for each course I teach. I have been recruited to teach courses for the TESOL endorsement in Alamo, travelling 200 miles one way. (Community Culture) (Music)

4. KEY EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AREAS: (a) The candidate should provide a brief description of the activities in each of these areas in the last five to seven years. Special attention should be given to those years spent at WNMU when a tenure decision is under consideration; or for promotion considerations since the date currrent rank was received. (b) For each of these areas, supporting documentations should be provided, organized in a fashion consistent with this form.

A. Teaching Effectiveness


I am responsible for the EDBL courses which have been taught every semester at the Gallup graduate studies Center since 1996. The average total enrollment in EDBL classes in the 13 semesters from Spring 1996 to Spring 2000 is 33.4 graduate students per semester.

Creative work: I write a textbook for each course which is published by the bookstore and sold to the students as required course materials. I utilize computer and multimedia technology to enhance the delivery. All courses have WebCt components.

Since 1982 I have taught courses in music, linguistics, foundations and methods of bilingual education, culture, education core, electives and workshops, computer and other courses. I taught undergraduate courses at Eastern Washington University, The University of New Mexico, Texas Tech University, and Western New Mexico University. I taught graduate courses at The University of New Mexico, Texas Tech University, and Western New Mexico University. I supervised doctoral students at Texas Tech University. I have been teaching only graduate courses since 1997 at the Gallup Graduate Studies Center. | Comments from students from course evaluations

B. Student Advising Activities

Successfully advised hundreds of students who have since graduated. Designed automated degree plan forms which are still in use. Made forms and degree/endorsement information available on the internet. Maintain office hours at convenient times for working teachers, and stay late in the evenings. Available on many Saturdays for the students. Advise all MAT students at the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, including elementary and secondary majors, as well as those seeking only a TESOL or bilingual endorsement. I communicate with several students about degree issues on e-mail. I submit all degree plans to the School of Education for quality control before they are moved forward to the Graduate Office and the Registrar. Provide immediate response to main campus requests for forms related to degree plans.

Plans for Spring, 2000: meet with each student in each class to review their progress and update all degree materials. Scheduled mass advisement date: March 8, 2000.

WNMU: Student Organization Advisor for the Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) 1992-1997, and the Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) 1993-1997.

TTU: Student Organization Advisor for the Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) 1988-92; and the Asian Education Student Organization (AESO) 1989-92; and the Phillipine American Student Association (PASA), 1992.

Student Advisor: elementary education, freshmen 1987-88 and 1991-92, sophomores 1988-89, Juniors 1989-90, Seniors, 1990-91, Texas Tech University, College of Education; and 1992-97 for elementary and secondary education, Western New Mexico University.

Graduate Advisor: in Bilingual Education and ESL, Texas Tech University, 1987-92; and Western New Mexico University, 1992 to present.

C. Scholarship, Research, or other Creative Activity

I create course materials and teacher resources (including recordings of original and traditional songs and stories, and electronic media). I share my research in community cultures in conferences and on-line. The number of items is so large I have divided them into three sections with two subsections each.

I. Bilingual Teacher Education

Policy and Practice in Bilingual Teacher Education

Teacher Training in Bilingual Teacher Education

II. Language and Culture

Community Culture

Teaching Language and Culture

III. Technology

Distance Education and Technology

D. Professional Contributions (community service activities, university committees, etc.

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Editor of Bilingual Basics for the bilingual special interest group two years) (articles and presentations at state, regional, international TESOL conferences). Last attended International in 1999.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) (former National Chairman for the Special Interest Group, "Institutions of Higher Education"; Founder and co-chairman of the Special Interest Group, "Language and Culture Retention", 1987-95; Founder and elected Council Member of the Special Interest Group, "Indigenous Bilingual Education" since 1986, webmaster; member of the special interest group, "Bilingual Vocational Education" 1988 and 1992; ESL Special Interest Group Founding Member) (conference presentor 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000); Conference Presentation Review Committee (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998). Attended every annual conference since 1987.

New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (NMABE) (member, conference presentor, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000; editor of El Noticiero since 1993; NMABE Webmaster since 1999; elected NMABE Secretary 1997-2001); annual conference committee since 1997. Letters.

Music Educators National Conference (MENC) (National Journal article publication). Membership and Journal subscription since 1982.

Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Membership and Journal subscription since 1987.

Current Professional Assignments and Activities (non-teaching)
Forum: A Consortium of Higher Education Faculties in Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona. Representative for WNMU and webmaster for the consortium, presentor at March 10 forum.

Secretary, New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (NMABE), 1997-2000

NMABE Webmaster since 1999

Annual Conference Committee, NMABE, 1997-2000

Editor, El Noticiero. New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education. Since 1993.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE). Councilman and webmaster for the Special Interest Group for Indigenous Bilingual Education.

Past assignments
Design Editor. Bilingual Basics. Special Interest Group for Bilingual Education, International TESOL, 1996-1998.
University Committees past: Teacher Education, Instructional Technology, Faculty Senate, Curriculum and Instruction.
State standards committees for Spanish language performance of bilingual teachers, Texas 1990, and New Mexico, 1998.
Secretary, Southwest Alliance for Learning, 1994-1995
Advisory Board, Global Language and Culture Institute, 1994-1995

Former Affiliations

E. Personal relationships

I composed and coordinated the School of Education Process Statement for Multicultural Education and served on numerous School of Education committees for specific projects. I attend faculty meetings and support my leaders. I go to the main campus regularly to attend meetings and network in person with colleagues. I am recruited by my colleagues to many committees, usually being asked to document the proceedings due to being the one prepared with a PowerBook and subsequent rapid communcation to members through minutes, bulletins, or web postings. Current committee assigments include the Navajo Regional "Technical Opportunities Program" grant (U.S. Department of Commerce), Forum (a Consortium of Higher Education Faculties) and the Indigenous Bilingual Education SIG of NABE. Most of my family has attended WNMU since I started in 1992, including 2 sons on the 2000-2001 WNMU basketball team.

5. Briefly describe what plans you have for your own professional growth and development, as a faculty member, over the next three to five years.

I will increase my efforts to coordinate and communicate with faculty across the campus about School of Education initiatives. I will continue to be active in the professional organizations at the state and national level. I see my role as a provider of multicultural and technology education to teachers, administrators, counselors, and other professionals. I will be an integral part of the dynamic growth of the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, using much of my time supporting the faculty, adjuncts, staff, and students with computer and communications technology issues. My personal professional growth will still be based on study of technology and community cultures. I will continue to produce creative works in the form of course materials and e-books for schools, as well as recordings and transcriptions of traditional music.

Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
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