an alternative to the commercialism of Santa Claus, Pancho Clos
has evolved in some communities as a black bearded man wearing
a sarape, riding a cart pulled by burros. The South Pole cousin
of Santa Claus, he does not bring gifts other than candy, instead
he helps the children do things for others.
Of course, you know how the first Santa Claus died in that
chimney accident; and they buried him on Christmas Island...that's
over by Easter Island, where they buried the first Easter Bunny.
Pues, no importa que se murió, porqué dejó dos hijos, Santa Claus Number One, and Santa Claus Number Two.
What a terrible thing to call your sons, Number One and Number Two. Imagínese como se portaba el Número Uno con el Número Dos:
"Hey, Number Two! It snowed last night. Get a shovel and clean it up!
Hey, Number Two! Look what those reindeer did. Get a shovel and clean it up!
Hey, Number Two! It's almost Christmas. Wrap those packages!
Te gusta que te hablan así? No, ¿verdad? You
don't like it when someone talks to you like that, and neither
did Number Two, so one day he got mad and headed South. Pues,
si vives en el Polo Norte, tienes que ir al sur.
He just kept going and going until he ended up in the South Pole. ¡Qué dificultad! Ni hablaba español. Do you know why he stayed at the South Pole long enough to learn Spanish?
He met Blanca Nieves. So Santa Claus Number Two and Snow White got married and lived happily ever after...except for one thing.
El siempre se quejaba de su hermano, y ella le regañaba
para visitarlo. How would you like it if your spouse told you
every day: "bueno, ¿porqué no te vas a hablar
con tu hermano?" You wouldn't like that, would you?
So, one day, no aguantó más, y se fué para el norte. But, what he did not know, was that same day, his brother was headed south to see him.
Él y su hermano se encontraron el el aire arriba de San Franciso.
But what they did not know, was that it was the very day
that Apollo lucky number 13 was returning from outer space...y,
¡zas! Por supuesto, usted nunca oyó de esto. I mean,
what is NASA going to say: "Today we would like to announce
that we have killed Santa Claus". No, no, no, you never heard
anything like that, ¿verdad? NASA no va a decir esto.
Pues no le hace, porque los dos tuvieron hijos.
The son of Santa Claus Number One still lives at the North
Pole and wears a red furry cap, and big black boots, and travels
around the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Usted lo ha oído
decir, "ho, ho, ho."
But do you know what Blanca Nieves called her son? Panchito.
Even today, Pancho Clos visits children around the world.
Pero Pancho Clos es diferente que Santa Claus. You know how Santa
Claus makes the children wonder what they are going to get for
Christmas? Pancho Clos no les da esperanzas de recibir regalos,
sino de dar regalos. Pancho says, "what did you give for
So this year, listen to Pancho Clos and be nice. Hay que pensar en otros más que en si mismo.
Telling Ideas |
Para Cuentos
How Music Came to the Earth | Cristóbal Colón | El Capitán | El Abuelo | Ma'ii | El Hombre, El Muchacho, y El Burro | Pancho Clos | El Cestero | The Basketmaker |