Presented by Dr. Roy E. Howard, Western New Mexico University Gallup Graduate Studies Center

Septiembre Information by Cantos Para Todos

Presented by Dr. Roy E. Howard, Western New Mexico University, Gallup Graduate Studies Center

Bik'ijiijéé' America (Attack on America)

July 4, 1776
Thomas Jefferson and others of the 13 Colonies sign the Declaration of Independence, setting a precedence for the continent

September 11, 1777
The Battle of Brandywine is the first battle fought under the Stars and Stripes. General Washington lost 1200-1300 of 11,000 men. British take Philadelphia (the patriot capitol) under General Howe with 12,500 men.

September 11, 1814
The Battle of Lake Champlain. Francis Scott Key pens "The Star Spangled Banner on September 14th, 1814.

September 11, 2001
The terrorists are finally successful in bringing down the World Trade Center after attempting several times. Hijacked planes crash in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. Over 3,000 are lost, including citizens of many nations. September 11 is designated as "Patriot's Day" by President Bush.
September 17, 1787
The Constitutional Convention presided over by George Washington in Philadelphia concluded its work on what is now the oldest federal constitution in existence.
September 17 is U.S.Citizenship Day
This week is U.S. Constitution Week
September 1810
The Native Born people of our region (Criollos) meet to discuss freedom from Spain. The meeting in the home of Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez is discovered by the Españoles (Gachupines). Doña Josefa sends word to Padre Hidalgo. He rings the bell of the church late in the evening of September 15th.
September 16, 1810
The Grito de Dolores sets in motion the revolution for freedom of the huge region from Oregón to Yucatán. The land where we live now becomes free so our predecessors can seek their own destiny. The war ends in 1821. The Constitution of 1823 forms Mexico. New Mexico joins the United States 25 years later with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848.

September Independence dates
7 - Brazil, 1822;
15 - Costa Rica, 1821; Guatemala, 1821; Honduras, 1838;
16 - México, 1810;
18 - Chile, 1818
19 - St Christopher-Nevis, 1983
21 - El Salvador, 1821; Belize, 1981;
28 - Nicaragua, 1821;

July Independence Dates
4 - United States, 1776
5 - Venezuela, 1821
9 - Argentina, 1816
10 - Bahamas, 1973
20 - Colombia, 1810
28 - Peru, 1821
May Independence Dates
14 - Paraguay
20 - Cuba, 1902
24 - Ecuador, 1822;
26 - Guyana, 1966

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Presented by Dr. Roy E. Howard, Western New Mexico University Gallup Graduate Studies Center