Roy E.
Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate
Studies Center, Western New
Mexico University
| Vita
Bilingual/Multicultural Education
Dr. Howard has installed and operated each of the following:
The Counseling masters degree program in Gallup is now equipped
with a state of the art observation/recording system with cameras,
one-way mirrors, listening/viewing stations, and immediate playback
for reflection groups in training.
The Gallup Graduate Studies Center is
hard wired directly to the internet. Students, faculty, and staff
are instantly on-line any time of the day or night with high speed
connections. The modern laboratory is equipped with PowerMac and
Dell computers, color printer, laser printer, scanner, digital
camera, video camera, and the applications to support professional
computer materials production.
Instructors and students can depend upon high tech in the classroom, as well. Computers, videos, recorders, and more can be connected to large televsion monitors and/or Proxima desktop projectors. Each classroom in the new building has two long white boards and one long chalk board, screens and overhead projectors, and access to the internet.
Attending training: "Web Site Development and Design", "Adobe Photoshop Users", June 19, 2000.
Committee. "Technology Opportunities Program", McKinley County area schools inititiative. February-March, 2000. Applying for a telecommunications infrastructure grant.
Howard, Roy E. and J. Janeen Howard. "Using the Web for Mexican Culture", Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference. October 20-23, 1999, Corpus Christi, Texas.
Howard, Roy E. "Project Advance", a 1988 proposal for the National Workplace Literacy Program.
Associate Director of Texas Schools Incorporated, 1991-92.
I subscribe to a number of electronic services for information
updates on the particular computers and communications technology
equipment for which I am responsible.
The Gallup Graduate Studies Center website,, is becoming increasingly popular as the students discover its utility. for example, there were 113 hits in December, 1999 while the Center was closed. Hits dramatically increased during the registration period of January, 2000, and have continued high since the semester started. There were over 422 hits in April by the 19th.
I taught with video conferencing for several years in Silver City and Deming. I presented at conferences on distance education topics, including Arizona, Washington, Texas, Florida, Colorado and New Mexico. I received distance education training at California State University, dominguez Hills.
I have been teaching with distance education since 1986 when I would fly with a team of instructors from Albuquerque to Gallup, then rent a car and drive to Naschitti to deliver Navajo bilingual teacher education courses for the University of New Mexico. In Texas I taught courses at remote sites every semester to accomodate teachers needing the ESL endorsement. From Silver City I drove to Deming, Magdalena, and Douglas. I currently drive from Gallup to Alamo Navajo school to teach TESOL courses.
Howard, Roy E. "The Adaptability of Distance Learning for Use in Teacher Training and Inservice", Southern New Mexico Technology Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 7 November 1995.
Howard, Roy E. and Andrés Rodríguez. "Instrucción por Video Interactivo sobre Larga Distancia", National Association for bilingual Education, NABE '96, Orlando, Florida. 16 March 1996.
Howard, Roy E. "Two-way Interactive Television Teaching: University/Public Schools", Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology and teacher Education, March 13-16, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona.
Howard, Roy E. "Multimedia Technology Teaching/Training", Exemplary Teaching Mini-Grant, Western New Mexico University, 1995-1996.
Howard, Roy E. "Western Partnership or Multimedia Education", grant proposal to the US West Foundation. 15 December 1994 (not funded)
Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate
Studies Center, Western New
Mexico University
| Vita