PTG Wichita Chapter

The Voicing Tool

Wichita Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild. Newsletter.
Monthly Chapter meetings the second Thursday at 7 pm.

The December 13 meeting will be at the Marty Hess residence at 7:00 pm. The address is 3900 North Parkwood, Bel Air, Kansas



January February March April May June July August September October November December


January February March April May June July-August September October November December


January February March April May June July August September October November December


April May June July August September October November December

The PTG Website is more user friendly than ever for your customers. Click on to get to the new site features for technicians.

It’s easy and quick to pay your 2013 dues at Dues invoices were mailed November 1 and payment is due December 31, 2012. Dues will be considered delinquent if not paid by January 31, 2013. If you didn’t receive your statement or have questions, please drop an e-mail to

Your Professional Association

We encourage you to attend the PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute July 2013. Upcoming PTG Events

March 7, 2013 - March 10, 2013
WESTPAC III (Western and Pacific NW Regional Conference)
Hyatt Regency, Phoenix
Contact: Peg Browne , RPT

April 18, 2013 - April 21, 2013
DoubleTree Valley Forge, King of Prussia, PA
Contact: Steve Taylor, 215-534-0533

July 10, 2013 - July 14, 2013
Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Chicago
Contact: Sandy Roady, 913-432-9975

It only takes about 15 minutes to complete the 2012 Member Survey and provides much needed information. If you did not receive an email with this link, please notify
PTG awards nominations due are December 31, 2012. Please e-mail questions to Taylor Mackinnon, Awards Committee Chair. Download a nomination form from the Chapter Resources section of the Member Area at

The December 13 meeting will be at the Marty Hess residence at 7:00 pm. The address is 3900 North Parkwood, Bel Air, Kansas

December 13th Agenda

Agenda is the business meeting, food, and a technical.

Wichita PTG chapter meeting highlights, November

President Hershberger reported he had received information from the PTG E-mail that Larry Fine will accept ads for $69.00/yr. The Piano Buyer. Com is a good place for answers to questions from customers about pianos.

Members who subscribe to the PTG YouTube Channel receive notices when there are new videos. Currently they are uploading a series of training videos called "Competency Playground" in addition to the many useful shorts on the channel.

Chuck Vetter sent a message of greetings and informed the chapter of the death of his father, a distinguished tuner of many years.

Roy Howard reported that an RPT has moved to Ecuador and Roy is trying to get him involved in the project to train piano technicians for that country. He also reminded us to keep contributing used tools and parts to help the school.

Marty Hess asked about willingness to travel for a regional seminar in the new regional setup. The new district combination extends from Ohio to Colorado and the committee is considering possible meeting sites for the future.

December meeting will be a the Marty Hess residence on December 13th at 7:00 pm. The address is 3900 North Parkwood, Bel Air, Kansas.

The Tech session was conducted by J. D. Hershberger from a muting tip in the last PTG Journal after which there was an hour long session of very good discussion on many different subjects.

The Future of the Piano
We have work if people buy, play, and maintain pianos.

Hi, honey; this is Bright Bushing Betty from the sales department reminding all you tech types out there to defeat December doldrums... to overide the Red and bring in the Green... to have a White Christmas... just tell those folks about their options! Always mention the cost of some service that would enhance their playing... whether a Dampp-Chaser, key leveling, hammer filing, or polished pins. You will be surprised at the increase in your profits when you help them understand the options.

Or, just teach people how to have FUN with their piano:
The Music Theory Song (Intervals Roasting)

The Piano Guys are so much fun that they have over one million subscribers and almost 200 million visits on their channel... that should give us some hope... and notice where they have the piano and how they play it... that creates a lot of work for the piano tech.

PTG Exam Study Session
Current project: rebuilding a Steinway upright that was donated to the chapter for this class.

Thursdays 7:30 pm at the Piano Man Shop:
Larry Ray
1018 N Buffum
Wichita, KS 67203



Ricardo's tan interesante cuando se compone ir escuchando lo que la misma música va diciendo y quiere decir, a veces solo basta guardar silencio y escuchar dentro de uno mismo, ella va sacandose a sí misma, ella va dictando, ya no es uno el compositor, solo es quien escribe, ella cobra vida y va diciendo el camino, uno solo obedece, solo soy el instrumento, la mano que escribe, y el sujeto que presta el nombre para la hoja al final, nada mas, la música es un ser viviente, que jamas muere, que jamás se extingue. Ricardo Monteros

It is so interesting when you compose to listen to what that music is saying and wants to say; sometimes you just need to keep quiet and listen within yourself; then the music starts to come on its own; the composer takes dictation from the music as it comes to life and shows the way; one obeys... I'm just the instrument, the hand that writes, and the one that adds his name to the sheet at the end, nothing else. The music is a living being that never dies, that never goes away. Ricardo Monteros, composer, Ecuador

There is indeed a time when you really need to tune with the left hand... such as when you are squeezed into a tight spot like this.

Click for a printable version of this promotional graphic:

'Tis Time To Tune The Piano