Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita
MBO 92-93 | MBO 93-94 | MBO 94-95 | MBO 96-97 | MBO 97-98 | MBO 98-99 | MBO 99-00
Division of Teacher Education
Western New Mexico University
Silver City, NM 88062
(505) 538 6101
ED 468/568 Teaching Reading in Spanish
ED 590 Multicultural Challenge
MUS 485 Traditional Music of Mexico and the Mexican American
MUS 4xx Advanced Music Theory
Assisting in the development of the following new courses:
ED 255 Current Issues in Bilingual Education
ED 5xx Curriculum and Policy Development for the LEP Student
All courses in Bilingual and TESOL will be reviewed this semester
and revised in a team effort
New Preparation for these existing courses to include a
fresh approach, a reconsideration of each existing syllabus, input
for course content from students, program faculty and outside
consultants, and the adaptation of course content for diverse
student needs, including teacher education students from Southern
New Mexico and Arizona, West Texas, and the Navajo/Hispanic/Anglo
mix of Magdalena.
Syllabus revisions will include identification and measurement
of key New Mexico Department of Education Teacher Education competencies,
and the integration of NCATE and TESA principles in each course.
I will be experimenting with distance education through video
and interactive correspondence to reach areas such as Magdalena,
NM and Douglas, AZ.
I have arranged my office hours in the evening to match the
schedules of the teachers. Also, I am in my office with the door
open most days.
I started the Bilingual Education Student Organization and
have been selected to continue as their advisor this year.
Due to a large increase in new students in bilingual and ESL
this year, there is an extra large advisement load for a while.
I will assist in the advisement of about 200 program students,
plus other students in Education majors, both elementary and secondary.
Improve in knowledge of Division of Education regulations by
participating in the development of a new operating manual.
I have a goal to submit the results of previous and new research
for publication. I will submit some proposals for conference presentations
on my research. I will attend local, state and national conferences
in my field.
I will continue my research of Hispanic Culture and Spanish
language with special emphasis on customs, practices, and songs.
I will begin to investigate more thoroughly the Navajo cultural
and linguistic influence on the Magdalena school area.
I expect to publish three or four new books of songs and cultural
ideas for the schools based on my research and improve those already
I plan to be the catalyst for the initiation of a professional
organization in bilingual education at the local level and to
continue my activity in the state and national bilingual organizations,
as well as membership in several others.
I teach a daily early morning high school scripture class and
a weekly Sunday School class to first graders, lead a church choir,
direct the WNMU Mariachi, and give cultural presentations in the
schools. I write a column on Bilingual Education in a weekly newspaper.
I administer a federally funded teacher training program at
Western New Mexico University as 1/2 of my load. We administer
the financial and programmatic needs of about 150 full and part
time students. I plan to improve communication among key personnel
and the students through weekly meetings as well as bulletins
to be mailed.
Develop rapport with students as measured by BESO membership
and student evaluations.
Attend departmental and university meetings. Hold special meetings
with key program and project personnel. Increase interdisciplinary
involvement in program and project advisory committees to continue
to reduce the severe communication disorder of the past.
Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita