Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita
MBO 92-93 | MBO 93-94 | MBO 94-95 | MBO 96-97 | MBO 97-98 | MBO 98-99 | MBO 99-00
Name Roy E. Howard Academic Year 1999-00
1. Objective: Teaching Effectiveness
Select Weight (40% - 60%) 40%
-Study and attend conferences to keep current on best practice
as well as the integration of technology in teaching and problem
solving, reflect this in syllabi, teaching methods, and contributions
to the operation of the Gallup Graduate Studies Center
-Develop and teach Education Technology courses in line with the
needs of the school districts
-Develop and get approval for new courses in the EDBL program
-Conduct course evaluations, review methods and adjust based on
student appraisals
-Integrate web components and other technology into all courses
Comments: Initials
Attended the Colorado Association for Bilingual Education
Conference, Oct. 99
Attended the Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference,
Oct. 99
Attending the National Association for Bilingual Education Conference,
Feb 00, and the New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education
Conference, March 00
Collaborated with the University of New Mexico on a Bilingual
Education course taught in Spanish: "Juegos y Canciones"
during August and September, 1999.
Assisting with EDBL 565 summer '00 course in Silver City taught
by adjunct
Research. Sharing current research and conference notes with students
with handouts and multimedia presentations.
Teaching educational technology course Fall and Spring. Assisting
staff, adjunct faculty and regular professors with educational
Planning to resubmit course proposal for Multicultural Literacy
(with Dr. Quattromani). Preparing course proposals for Navajo
Language Arts, Navajo Culture, and Navajo Bilingual Methods and
Planning to be involved in the institution of Gallup courses for
MAT Elementary and Secondary licensure.
All courses are taught using components on the WebCt and the local
___ ___2. Objective: Student Advisement Process
Select Weight (5% or More) 5%
-Maintain contacts with various school districts to improve recruitment
throughout the Gallup service area
-Advise and prepare correct degree and endorsement plans for all
EDBL students at Gallup, whether MAT or non-degree
-Increase the enrollment in EDBL courses by 20% for Spring 2000
Comments: Initials
Fall enrollment in EDBL courses at GGSC: 34 as of Dec 99
Delivering courses Alamo Fall and Spring: EDBL 527 and EDBL 520.
Spring enrollment in EDBL courses at GGSC: 36 as of 2 Feb 99
3. Objective: Scholarship, Research, or Other Creative
Select Weight (5% or More) 20% -Convert
writings for teacher development, stories for children and other
materials into e-books
-Record original songs on digital media for schools
-Present current research at national and state conferences
-Send at least one article to a peer reviewed journal
-Presentations of songs and stories to schools
Comments: Initials
Completed "Mexican Culture" e-book with graphics,
songs, and links (also used as a text for EDBL 568) :
Working on additional e-books, CDs, etc.
Including "Diciembre Mundial"
Presented at the Colorado Association for Bilingual Education
Conference: "El Cinco de Mayo: the People Who Wanted to Be
Presented at the Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference:
"Cultura y Canción par Desarrollar Idioma", "El
Arte de Eseñar Español Atravez de una Fiesta",
"Using the Web for Mexican Culture", "El Ciclo
de Diciembre en la Clase Bilingüe"
Accepted to present at the National Association for Bilingual
Education Conference: "Native American Music for the
Classroom" and "El Ciclo de Diciembre en México"
Also accepted to present at the New Mexico Association for Bilingual
Education Conference
Conducting research on Navajo music in the Gallup McKinley School
4. Objective: Professional Contributions
Select Weight (5% or More) 30%
-Research, plan, order, manage, and maintain the "Classroom
2000" equipment for the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, and
train faculty and adjuncts in their use.
-Maintain and operate the Computer Laboratory/Multimedia Center
in service of the faculty, staff, students, and community
-Maintain faculty and staff communications and computer equipment
and peripherals at GGSC
-Connect and maintain the computer network system at the Center,
train users so they can take best advantage of communications
on and off campus, the use of the Internet, and e-mail
-Set up and operate the electronic recording/observation system
for the Counseling program
-Set up and operate the equipment for interactive video-teleconferencing
and distance teaching
-Promote community-university collaboration: participate in planning
committees, preparation of promotional materials, and direct contacts
with administrators, teachers, and others in various school districts
-Research and report on processes for interconnectivity to the
state-wide academic community
-Serve as the elected Secretary of the New Mexico Association
for Bilingual Education, publish El Noticiero (newsletter), Webmaster
for NMABE Web site, and serve on the state conference committee.
-National Association for Bilingual Education: Serve on the Council
of the Special Interest Group (SIG): American Indian/Alaska Native,
publish the newsletter, attend the national conference as a SIG
-Contribute articles to the SOE newsletter
-Contribute articles to the WestWind
-Webmaster for the Gallup Graduate Studies Center
-Executive level position in local church responsible for programs
for children, youth, adults
Comments: Initials
Research, plan, order, manage, and maintain the electronic
equipment for the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, and train faculty
and adjuncts in their use including the current Multimedia/Computer
Center, the instructional media in the classrooms, and the planned
expansion, which will include specialized instructional equipment.
Maintain and operate the Computer Laboratory/Multimedia Center
in service of the faculty, staff, students, and community
Maintain faculty and staff communications and computer equipment
and peripherals at GGSC
Connect and maintain the computer network system at the Center,
train users so they can take best advantage of communications
on and off campus, the use of the Internet, and e-mail
Set up and operate the electronic recording/observation system
for the Counseling program
Set up and operate the equipment for interactive video-teleconferencing
and distance teaching
Representing GGSC on grant application consortia for regional
expansion of interconnectivity
Serving as the elected Secretary of the New Mexico Association
for Bilingual Education,;
publish El Noticiero (newsletter);
the Conference Journal,
Webmaster for NMABE Web site, and serve on the state conference
National Association for Bilingual Education: Serve on the Council
of the Special Interest Group (SIG): American Indian/Alaska Native,
publish the newsletter, attend the national conference as a SIG
Contribute articles to the SOE newsletter
Contributed articles to the WestWind newsletter
Webmaster for the Gallup Graduate Studies Center
Executive level position in local church responsible for educational,
musical, and religious programs for children, youth, adults (counselor
in bishopric of the Gallup 1st Ward, Gallup New Mexico Stake.
___ ___
5. Objective: Personal Relationships
Select Weight (5% or More) 5%
-Model professional behavior as well as best practice to the campus
community, students, faculty, staff, and teachers/administrators
in the schools
-Increase participation in informal networking and social activities
Comments: Initials
Attending activities in Gallup and Silver City
___ ___
Overall Evaluation Performance ______
(Total Possible 100%)
______________________________________ ________________________________________
-Faculty Signature - -Dean's Signature
' Date '_________ 'Date
Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Graduate Studies Center, Western
New Mexico University
| Vita