Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
e-mail | Vita

MBO 92-93 | MBO 93-94 | MBO 94-95 | MBO 96-97 | MBO 97-98 | MBO 98-99 | MBO 99-00

School of Education
Western New Mexico University
Silver City, NM 88062
(505) 538 6101

Management by Objectives

Goals, 1996-97


Preparation of Interactive Video Courses: for Off Campus Sites

EDBL 427/527 Introduction to Linguistics
EDBL 466 Cross Cultural Patterns


I will be refining distance education through interactive video and video correspondence to areas such as Deming, Gallup and T or C , NM; and Douglas, AZ. I will include more practical applications in weekly classes.

School Visits

School visits with presentations to test teaching methods with students pre-K through secondary.


Office hours

I have arranged my office hours in the evening to match the schedules of the teachers. Also, I am in my office with the door open the greater part of three days. I also advise in Gallup. The second semester I will have reduced advisement load on main campus in order to do more advisement in Gallup.

Student Organization

I started the Bilingual Education Student Organization in 1992, and have been selected to continue as their advisor this year. I have been selected as the advisor for the LDS Student Association as well each year since 1993. I will meet with BESO monthly during the second semester.


I will assist the Elementary and Secondary advisors in the preparation of advisement materials. I will collaborate with the Music department in the refinement of a music version of the k-12 plan. I will continue to advise large numbers of graduate and undergraduate students.


I will mentor specific student teachers in bilingual education. I will visit some student teachers and their supervisors in the schools, as well as 1st year teachers who are WNMU graduates.



I am presenting a paper at the 2nd Annual Conference for emerging literature of the Southwest. I will submit additional proposals for conference presentations on my research in bilingual education and ESL, including the use of technology such as interactive television teaching. I will attend local, state and national conferences in my field such as the National Association for Bilingual Education and others.


I will continue my research of Hispanic Culture and Spanish language with special emphasis on customs, practices, and songs by sponsoring a traditional music performing group, and publishing teaching materials. I have an additional research project on the Binational school (Palomas/Columbus) in which I document the international collaboration between schools, teachers, and students with video and written products.

Other Creative Activity

I will continue my monthly cultural presentations in the local schools in order to further my knowledge of students and teachers, and to contribute to the orientation of teachers by integrating culture and the arts in the curriculum. I will publish a series of storybooks for children based on the stories I tell in the schools. This is an ongoing project, with additional stories and books each year.

Program Review

I will assume a major role in the Bilingual Education Program Review mandated by the Board of Regents.


Professional Organizations

-I will serve a one year term as the president of the Southern New Mexico Consortium for Bilingual/Multicultural Education beginning June, 1996, serve on the board of the New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education beginning July, 1996, and publish the following newsletters: "Bilingual Basics", International TESOl (January and July); "El Noticiero", New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (quarterly); "El Boletín", Southern New Mexico Consortium for Bilingual/Multicultural Education (quarterly). I serve as the general editor, I compose most articles, and do the layout and other publishing tasks. I will assume responsibility as design editor for the SOE Newsletter. I serve on the NMABE Scholarship Committee. I serve on the WNMU Faculty Senate.


Local Community

-My contribution to the university community includes the organization and direction of musical groups, cultural presentations in the schools, and service as the Stake Sunday School President (church assignment involving orientation of leaders and teachers of 8 units).

Grant Writing

I will write one or two grant proposals for funding in areas such as technology in teaching, music and the arts in education, and the Global Language and Culture Institute. The Global Language and Culture Institute will begin an intensive English course this year with my involvement. I will contact the grants officer in regard to possible RFPs.


Faculty Development

I will prepare one or more sessions of training in interactive television teaching for the faculty development seminars.


Student Evaluations

Develop rapport with students as measured by advisement load, BESO membership, LDSSA activity, and student evaluations.


Attend departmental and university meetings and retreats. Hold special meetings with key program and project personnel. Increase interdisciplinary involvement in program and project advisory committees to prepare for NCATE.

University and Department

I will contribute to discussions on empowerment and interpersonal communications in order to improve relationships and promote better decision making processes on campus, including serving on the Faculty Senate as the SOE representative. I will model team building, collaboration and interactive decision making.


I will collaborate with Deming, Silver, Gallup, and other school districts more intensely to improve WNMU rapport and visibility.

Record of MBO Meetings with the Dean

26 August 1996 _____________ _____________

14 November 1996 _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

Objectives and weights agreed Fall Review Spring Review
at the beginning of the Fall notes score (0-10)

1. Teaching Effectiveness
weight 40% __________ __________

2. Student Advisement Process
weight 15% __________ __________

3. Scholarship, research or
other creative activity
weight 15% __________ __________

4. Professional Contributions
weight 15% __________ __________

5. Personal Relationships
weight 15% __________ __________


Weighted Average Score _________

Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.
Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University
e-mail | Vita