Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.

Professor of Bilingual Education/ESL, Retired
4749 N Hillcrest St, Wichita, KS 67220 | |

Academic Degrees
University of New Mexico PhD 1987
Bilingual Education, Teacher Education, Music Education

University of New Mexico
Multicultural Elementary Education, Music, Language Arts MA 1985

New Mexico Highlands: Navajo Language, Culture courses 1982-1985

Eastern Washington University
Major: Music Education, Reading Pedagogy MA 1982

Brigham Young University
Elementary Education, Music, Spanish, Aerospace Studies BA 1974

San Francisco State College, music major 1966-67

Professional Experience


Artistic Director and Owner of the Gallup Performing Arts Center, Gallup, New Mexico. Theater; bookstore; art gallery; recording studio; piano service; dance studio; classes for music, art, theater, dance; cultural events.
Howard Piano Service. Full service piano tech in New Mexico, Kansas, Ecuador. Piano technician at Wichita State University and The Wichita Piano Man.
Temple missionary in Ecuador with Mrs. Howard.
President, AsociaciĆ³n Mundial de Luthiers.


Professor of Bilingual Education in the School of Education, Western New Mexico University. Graduate and undergraduate courses in Bilingual Education, ESL, Multicultural Education, Foundations of Education, Education technology, Educational Leadership, and Music. Taught courses by invitation in Magdalena 2 years, in Deming 1 year, Alamo for 2 years. Also served various communities with video teaching. Assigned to the Gallup Graduate Studies Center 1997-2008. Also operated a web site, computer lab, video conferencing, and other communications technology.

Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education in the College of Education, Texas Tech University. Graduate and undergraduate courses in Bilingual Education, ESL, and Multicultural Education. Also taught ESL graduate courses in other communities most semesters.
Associate Director of Texas Schools Incorporated.

Instructor of graduate courses, 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition and ESL Curriculum and Materials Development, summer 1987 at Texas Tech University.
Instructor of graduate course in Navajo Bilingual Materials Development, summer 1986; and Advanced Field Experience in Navajo Bilingual Education, Spring 1986, the University of New Mexico. Taught in remote communities in distance education program.

Elementary School Teacher in grades K-5, (English as a Second Language to Hispanic Students), Albuquerque Public Schools, Whittier Elementary School, for 1985-86.
Elementary Classroom Teacher, 1982-85 Elementary Classroom Teacher, 6th grade (Navajo Bilingual) at Bureau of Indian Affairs school, Dzilth Na o dith hle, Organized and introduced music instruction and bilingual methods at the school. Helped organize and implement a school computer education program, wrote agency curriculum for music education, wrote agency policy letters for bilingual education.

1973-78 Radar Site Chief of Administration, US Air Force 4 years.
1978-82 Piano Tuner/Technician, 5 years.

Taught Spanish to missionaries two summers, Provo, Utah. Taught private and group music lessons regularly on guitar, trombone, piano and other instruments. Worked in various trades and labor including piano tuning.

Graduate Faculty Load (most recent full year)
Linguistics 1 for Second Language Teachers
Linguistics 2 for Second Language Teachers
Multicultural Education
English Language Acquisition and Development
ESL Content Literacy
Current Issues in Language Minority Education

Professional and Academic Association Memberships
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Editor of Bilingual Basics for the bilingual special interest group two years) (articles and presentations at state, regional, international TESOL conferences). Last attended International in 1999.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) (former National Chairman for the Special Interest Group, "Institutions of Higher Education"; Founder and co-chairman of the Special Interest Group, "Language and Culture Retention", 1987-95; Founder and elected Council Member of the Special Interest Group, "Indigenous Bilingual Education" 1986 to 2008, webmaster; member of the special interest group, "Bilingual Vocational Education" 1988 and 1992; ESL Special Interest Group Founding Member) (conference presentor 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. 2006. 2007); Conference Presentation Review Committee (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998). Attended every annual conference 1987 to 2007.

New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (NMABE) (member, conference presenter, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. 2006. 2007; editor of El Noticiero 1993 to 2008; NMABE Webmaster 1999 to 2007; NMABE Secretary 1997-2008); annual conference committee 1997 to 2008. Letters.

Music Educators National Conference (MENC) (National Journal article publication). Membership and Journal subscription 1982 to 2000.

Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Membership and Journal subscription 1987 to 2008.

Other Professional Assignments and Activities (non-teaching)
Forum: A Consortium of Higher Education Faculties in Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona. Representative for WNMU and webmaster for the consortium.

Secretary, New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education (NMABE), 1997-2008

NMABE Webmaster 1999 to 2007

Annual Conference Committee, NMABE, 1997-2007

Editor, El Noticiero. New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education. 1993 to 2007.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE). Councilman and webmaster for the Special Interest Group for Indigenous Bilingual Education.

Past assignments
Design Editor. Bilingual Basics. Special Interest Group for Bilingual Education, International TESOL, 1996-1998.
University Committees past: Teacher Education, Instructional Technology, Faculty Senate, Curriculum and Instruction.
State standards committees for Spanish language performance of bilingual teachers, Texas 1990, and New Mexico, 1998.
Secretary, Southwest Alliance for Learning, 1994-1995
Advisory Board, Global Language and Culture Institute, 1994-1995

Former Affiliations

My publications at WNMU were in the category of "creative works" rather than research. Teaching materials have included 20 Volumes of "Cantos Para Todos", teacher resources in bilingual education, and numerous sacred works. Also published in: Journal of Educational Issues for Language Minority Students, NABE '88 Selected Papers (The National Association for Bilingual Education), The Journal of Navajo Education, Social Science Perspectives Journal, Music Educators Journal, Texas Piano Tech, The Piano Quarterly, Selective Proceedings of the 1986 Rocky Mountain Regional TESOL Conference.

Publications lists:

Policy and Practice in Bilingual Teacher Education

Teacher Training in Bilingual Teacher Education

Community Culture

Teaching Language and Culture

Distance Education and Technology

Papers Presented

The Colorado Association for Bilingual Education; The California Association for Bilingual Education; The Texas Association for Bilingual Education; The New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education; The National Association for Bilingual Education; Grand Prairie School District, Texas; National Technology in Teacher Education Association; Southern New Mexico Technology Conference; Washington Educational Technology and Telecommunications Conference, and many others.
Other Conferences Attended include: National Association for Multicultural Education; Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Lists of presentations, research, and creative works:

Bilingual Teacher Education (Policy & Practice) (Teacher Training)
Language and Culture (Community Culture) (Music)
Distance Education and Technology in Teacher Preparation

Community Service My contribution to the university community includes the organization and direction of musical groups and businesses, cultural presentations in the schools, and service in a ward bishopric (church assignment involving supervision of leaders and teachers), including Boy Scouts. Scouts.


Associate, Asst. Professor, Professor, Western New Mexico University 1992 - 2008: Bilingual Education, ESL
Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University 1987-1992: Bilingual Education, ESL, Multicultural Education
Instructor, Texas Tech University, University of New Mexico 1986-1987: Bilingual Education, ESL
Elementary School Teacher, New Mexico 1982-1986: 6th Grade Bilingual, and K-5 ESL. Navajo and Spanish

1966-1977. Taught Spanish to missionaries two summers, Provo, Utah. Taught private and group music lessons regularly on guitar, trombone, piano and other instruments.


Director, Title VII Western Education Personnel Training Program: Western New Mexico University 1992-1995
Associate Director, Texas Schools, Inc. 1991-1992
Coordinator, Bilingual/Multicultural Education Resources Center: Texas Tech University 1987-1992
Publisher, Cantos Para Todos 1990-Present
Business Owner, Howard Piano Service 1967-Present
Radar Site
Radar Site Chief of Administration, US Air Force 1974-1978


Successfully advised hundreds of students who have since graduated. Designed automated degree plan forms which are still in use. Made forms and degree/endorsement information available on the internet. Maintain office hours at convenient times for working teachers, and stay late in the evenings. Available on many Saturdays for the students. Advise all MAT students at the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, including elementary and secondary majors. I communicate with several students about degree issues on e-mail. I submit all degree plans to the School of Education for quality control before they are moved forward to the Graduate Office and the Registrar. Provide immediate response to main campus requests for forms related to degree plans.

WNMU: Student Organization Advisor for the Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) 1992-1997, and the Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) 1993-1997.

TTU: Student Organization Advisor for the Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) 1988-92; and the Asian Education Student Organization (AESO) 1989-92; and the Phillipine American Student Association (PASA), 1992.

Student Advisor: elementary education, freshmen 1987-88 and 1991-92, sophomores 1988-89, Juniors 1989-90, Seniors, 1990-91, Texas Tech University, College of Education; and 1992-97 for elementary and secondary education, Western New Mexico University.

Graduate Advisor: in Bilingual Education and ESL, Texas Tech University, 1987-92; and Western New Mexico University, 1992 to present.


Licensed in four states in Elementary Education and Music (K-12). Appointed to graduate faculty of two universities. Recognized for contributions to bilingual education.


Since 1982 taught courses in music, linguistics, foundations and methods of bilingual education, culture, education core, electives and workshops, computer and other courses. Taught undergraduate courses at Eastern Washington University, The University of New Mexico, Texas Tech University, and Western New Mexico University. Taught graduate courses at The University of New Mexico, Texas Tech University, and Western New Mexico University. Supervised doctoral students at Texas Tech University. Teaching only graduate courses since 1997.

Professional Growth and Contribution

MBO 92-93 | MBO 93-94 | MBO 94-95 | MBO 96-97 | MBO 97-98 | MBO 98-99 | MBO 99-00



I am interested in comparing bilingual education policies of the nation, states, districts, and schools with what actually takes place. I am especially interested in the difference between the policies that allow or require native language instruction, and the tendency of the teachers to follow the practice of their own youth to avoid native language. I completed four qualitative investigations between 1986 and 1997. I have not yet submitted a summary report for publication on any of them. I have written and published related articles, given conference presentations, and published newspaper articles on this subject.

Philosophy of Multicultural Higher Education


The purpose of Bilingual/Multicultural Education graduate and undergraduate programs is to prepare teachers of every subject to serve the needs of children, youth, and adults who are learning English as a second language in bilingual, ESL, and all education programs. All of my research is dedicated to this purpose. Several grants, publications, conference reports, and other writings have been specifically addressed to teacher training. Most of my efforts in this category fall under "Service" (professional and student organizations) and "Teaching".


Bilingual/Multicultural Education research takes place in the disciplines of linguistics, languages, language acquisition, culture, and every topic taught from early childhood to adult education. Bilingual Education students are interested in assessment, counseling, music therapy, ESL in prisons, administration, English as a foreign language and many other topics. I have specialized in only two areas: policy (practice) and language/culture (music). Through my music research I have learned a great deal about many other aspects of culture and language acquisition.

Since 1989 I have been fortunate to have the cooperation of an international researcher on many projects. Our studies, conferencing, materials production, exhibits, school presentations, and other activities were conducted on a very intense level during the period January 1989 to June, 1991. We are currently completing a book reporting the main research project. Many publications will come as a result of this intensive qualitative research. Most of our efforts are designed to help teachers integrate culture and an aesthetic approach into the regular curriculum.

Two areas of focus are listed: community, and pedagogy.


A great deal of my efforts with the community that have come as a result of this research have had to do with presentations in classrooms and community settings not listed here. Much of our work has supported community education projects of the Bilingual/Multicultural Education Resources Center not listed here. I have also been active in tradesman related activities and publications of the Piano Technicians Guild.

Included in this section are radio programs reporting on our research, and newspaper articles addressed to parents of children in the schools. These solicited presentations are evidence of the respect I have earned for expertise in this aspect of culture.


I have been teaching with music since 1965, and have been formally researching the use of music by regular classroom teachers to teach language, culture, and other classroom topics since 1985. The greater part of my research and creative productivity has gone into this focus during the past nine years resulting in grants, exhibits, volumes of instructional materials, conference presentations, and articles. I give musical presentations in the schools regularly.


I have been teaching in distance education since 1986. I taught full time with video conferencing technology from 1994-97. I currently operate a number of web sites, a computer lab, and other educational and communications technology systems.

Professional growth and development

I coordinated and communicated with faculty across the campus about School of Education initiatives. I was active in the professional organizations at the state and national level. I saw my role as a provider of multicultural and technology education to teachers, administrators, counselors, and other professionals. I was an integral part of the dynamic growth of the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, using much of my time supporting the faculty, adjuncts, staff, and students with computer and communications technology issues. My personal professional growth was based on study of technology and community cultures. I produced creative works in the form of course materials and e-books for schools, as well as recordings and transcriptions of traditional music

My time in retirement is dedicated to composing music, and developing materials for indigenous languages. Current activities are listed on the Cantos Para Todos website.

Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.

Cantos Para Todos
e-mail | Resume

Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Western New Mexico University